Book Happiness Tips

The Guidebook to Happiness by Carl Massy: The Book Launch is in 21 Days!!

Blog 34In preparation for the launch of The Guidebook to Happiness (in 21 Days) what we will be doing is posting a little snippet of information about each of the 21 Chapters over the next 21 days. Each of the posts will also have a thought-provoking question. Launching (on Amazon) 1 December 2012.

It is the questions that we ask ourselves that determine the quality of the answers we get in life. The right question causes you to use your most effective mental faculties (that pre frontal lobe of the NeoCortex). The bit that makes us the most evolved species on the planet. So here’s to some good questions.

Chapter 1 of The Guidebook to Happiness is all about the most effective use of the mind…

Happiness Tips

Happiness Tip: 7-Step Strategy for Managing Stress or Overload

overwhelmedI am not going to ask if you have ever been stressed before because I know the answer is a big yes. You are pretty much guaranteed of stress in your life when you start playing the game.

The ‘game of life’ I mean. I was sure as hell feeling it over the last month and that is why I skipped out on a February Happiness Tips Newsletter. I was too busy ducking and weaving and fretting and worrying and trying to get out of the washing machine that I had inadvertently decided to take up residence in. This is what I found out along the way.

There are many types and definitions of stress, but I am going to look at the one that is on the other side of ‘overload’. I will share with you the 7-Step Strategy that I use and have found effective, plus look at some of the preventative measures as well. Because let’s face it – there are definitely some parts of the stress game I would be happy to do without.

Happiness Tips Physical Activity

Strategic Happiness Podcast – Discover the Best Daily Ritual We Know

DAILYRITUALStrategic Happiness Podcast (Happiness Strategies): ENERGISATION EXERCISES.

In the Strategic Happiness Podcast on ‘The Game of Life’ we talked about the best Daily Ritual that we know. If we were to choose just one Daily Ritual (that is easy to do and takes less than 5 mins) for preparing you for the day ahead and leading to your day and ultimately your Life being more successful, then this is it.

The Energisation Exercises are loosely based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda who not only has a cool name, but is the author of the classic book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi‘ and one of the main teachers that brought Yoga to the west in a big way. He was all about energising the body and mind to get the very best results in life.

So we strongly encourage you to incorporate this 3-minute exercise into your morning routine – most preferably before you have that first cup of coffee! This un-drug-assisted goodness for your body, mind and soul. 😉