This article and insight is inspired by time spent in the kitchen the other day.
I was in the kitchen the other day with my partner Ferry (who happens to be an awesome cook).
She said something that got me thinking.
And brought us to today’s conversation.
A conversation which includes politicians, fraudsters, hypnotherapists and probably we could put a 4-year old into the mix as well.
The thing that happened with Ferry in the kitchen was this…
It was a very simple comment.
Ferry said: “Can you put some water into the kettle?” (I am pretty sure she did not say please).
As I went about this chore I am thinking exactly how much water is ‘some’?
“Some” is pretty non-descriptive.
It’s a pretty broad generalization.
Do I put in a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a half cup, a full cup, a couple of cups??
I have no clue.