Choice Happiness Tips Joy Perspective Success

Learn a Simple Neurological Mood Booster

Who likes easy?

I know hard is where we build up our muscles.

BUT I do like the idea of a mix of easy, hard, and very little harder-than-it-NEEDS-to-be.

Life doesn’t have to be all about hard, sweaty, and grunts and groans for us to be succeeding.

Let’s sprinkle in a bit of easy with today’s tip on boosting our mood.

You know I am a fan of the idea that we can actually (self) create an elevated emotion state in our bodies, which causes a specific set of neuro-chemicals and hormones to be released throughout the body.

Re-enforcing the created feeling and supporting our overall health and well-being.

I want to take that concept, and a concept I read recently in a book by a Stanford behavioural scientist – BJ Fogg – called Tiny Habits (which I will review for you in a couple of weeks when I finish it).

Choice consciousness Goal Setting Tips Growth Joy Relationship Spirituality

My 5 Top Tips for Thriving in 2024

Firstly, Happy New Year!!

And welcome to whatever day you are at of the 366 we are gifted with this year.

After looking to the PAST for the top things I learned in 2023 (my last post of 2023), I am now switching to looking into the FUTURE and setting my intention and attention on what I think will be serve me (and you) in the year ahead.

So let’s jump straight in and see what we can do to help us THRIVE even more this year!

Acceptance Emotional Gratitude Growth Joy Perspective Relationship

Lessons My Dad Taught Me

I am back in Queensland (Australia) as I write this.

Sitting at a table out the back of mum and dad’s place, drinking a cup of tea, and reflecting on my dad and all the things he taught me.

Dad passed away peacefully in a beautiful palliative care hospital a little over a week ago, with family at his side, after having been ill for the last 6-months.

My life (particularly over the last 20 years) has been one of curiosity and deep observation of my relationship with life, so I might learn and grow, and share my lessons along the way.

As I reflect on my dad, I realise a lot of what makes me ‘me’, were great lessons passed on from my dad.

And although dad was a school teacher throughout his working life, it wasn’t through teaching verbally that I learned most from him. It was how he acted, behaved and showed up in life, where I learned my greatest lessons from dad.

I realised too, as I write this, that he not only ‘taught’ me a lot of life skills, but he taught and influenced 1000’s of teenagers (he was a high school manual arts teacher) over the 35 or so years he was teaching.

Nice one dad!

So let me share with you, what I feel are his greatest gifts and have most influenced the building of my character.

And before I get into my ‘list’, I was chuckling to myself, that dad never drank, smoked or swore, and on this one I might have gone a slightly different direction, and have the bumps and bruises to show for it. I never got into smoking, but I am not sure I can say the same for the other two.

Belief Choice Gratitude Joy

3 Ideas (I think are) Worth Sharing

smileIDEA 1: Contrary to popular belief…one size does not fit all

We are unfortunately, and more recently, being bombarded with the idea that ONE SIZE FITS ALL.
I have to tell you – that is just not true.

If I had you stand in a small group of say 7.8 billion people, you would be the only one with a finger print that looks the way yours does. In 7.8 billion people, something that is about 1/5000th of the whole you, is completely unique. AMAZING!!!

This means the whole you is SO unique, the very thought that one size fits all see

ms ludicrous.

One size does not fit all when it comes to:

Acceptance Choice Feeling Honesty Joy Relationship

My Bestest 4 Relationship Tips

carl ferry apple photoTIP 1: Probably not what you were expecting (sorry)

I may have mentioned to some of you in the past that I intended to write 5 books in 10 years, centred around the Guidebook Series. The planned number 4 book was going to be The Guidebook to Outstanding Relationships.

As with my other books, I spend time on the outline and principle teachings I want to infuse in the book. What I found in this process was that 75% of the book would actually be about working on yourself! Which I had already written about in my first three books.

It confirmed for me that if you want to be in a high-vibe, deep and meaningful relationship, the first and on-going part was to work on yourself – constantly.

Choice consciousness Growth Joy Perspective

5 Practices on the Path to Peace: Inspired by ‘Stillness is the Key’ by Ryan Holiday

Path to PeaceIt’s probably not the best idea to be promoting other people’s books when you have recently released your own book (The Successful Mind), but since my number 1 thing in life is to share the best of what I learn on my journey, we will be looking at some great ideas Ryan Holiday shares in his great book – Stillness is the Key.

His book has plenty of ideas, but I’ve picked five of them that resonate with my teachings and are totally doable, practical and have a great return on investment.

He talks about stillness being the key, and draws on the philosophical teachings of Stoicism, plus a number of Eastern systems and practices. And for me, deeper (inner) stillness is one of the pathways and essential elements to experiencing more peace in your life.

Actually here is a (big) question for you. Would you prefer a million dollars or the guarantee of a deep sense of peace for the foreseeable future?

Think on that. Do you want deep peace or the cash?!?!
And if you chose the money (which is ok), ask yourself this question: “What do I think the money will make me feel?” and “What do I want to feel?”

For me, peace is a beautiful goal to be working towards.
So let’s look at these ‘stillness’ practices.

Belief Choice Joy Life Lessons

What If Caring Less Actually Gets You What You Want…

It sounds so sweet.It sounds like something we ‘ought’ to do all of the time. Or at the least a lot of the time.

But is that really useful? Does being a really great carer lead to peace, joy, fulfillment, and a meaningful life experience?

Caring, like a lot of things, is great when it is done for the right situations, to the right amount, at the right time.

It has been my experience coaching 100’s of people over the last 12 years that people are a little bit crap at establishing when are the right times to care A LOT and when are the right times to give less of a damn.

So the lesson for today is about re-calibrating your caring muscles to bring you more ease, joy, and success.

Are you ready?

Choice Joy Life Lessons Time

3 Life Tips That I Know Will Serve You Today

tipsHello again.

Did you know that I have been writing a newsletter and ‘Tips’ since 2005? That is a LOT of Tips and sometimes I get myself into a wee tail-spin trying to figure out the best way to serve you. I generally ask myself “What is the most relevant and impactful thing I can share with you today?” and then trust that the most useful stuff will bubble to the surface.

This is what bubbled up today…

Goal Setting Tips Growth Joy Success

Why This (To Be Revealed) Might be One of Your Best Goals for 2017

goalsHello 2017!!

Now I am going to get straight to the point.

Let’s have a show of hands please for those of you that want to have more FUN in your days, weeks, months and life.
(And yes virtual hands will work for this exercise ;-))

Please do not read on if:

a. You already have more than enough fun than you can handle for one person.
b. You think having fun will stop you building your empire.
c. You like being a grumpy old so-and-so.

DO read on if you think there is more room, and a NECESSITY for more FUN in your life.


Acceptance Growth Joy Perspective

3+ Practical Ways to Make Your Life More Easeful And Less Complicated

runningI love life.
I also love a challenge.
But I also don’t like making life unnecessarily hard for myself. I want to enjoy life.

So here are 3+ simple tips to make your like more easeful and less stressful / difficult / complicated.