Book Growth

9 Insights You Really Need to Know

I read a lot.

Sometimes I read a book and think, “That is friggin’ incredible! Imagine if everyone knew that.”

The things you learn by reading non-fiction books is LIFE CHANGING.

But since most people won’t read a 700-page book I might recommend, I decided I would select 9 insights from 5 books I have recently read, to share some incredible insights, and maybe even entice you to read the whole book.

Let’s jump straight in with Book 1.

(Note: I will be diving deeper on these subjects in a LIVE Presentation and Q&A Session on 31 Aug, so if you are reading this after then, send me a message and I will give you the link for the recording.)

Book Emotional Relationship

The BEST Relationship Strategy

The author of this book and strategy (Gary Chapman) is a relationship councellor, who discovered that there are five principle ways we express our LOVE in a relationship, and alternatively there are PRIMARY ways we wish to receive the expression of love (back to us) in our relationships.

I recorded a video 5 years ago (complete with whiteboard) to explain to you the full strategy and how to use it.

I would also encourage you to read the book – The 5 Love Languages – or check out Gary Chapman’s website to determine what your Primary Love Language is.

Belief Book consciousness

6 of My Favourite Life Changing Books

The best life changing books to read

I often tell the story that my journey down the personal development path (which for me is also about the quest to experience self actualisation) began around Easter 1999. One of the things I chose to do at that point, as a result of the right shove (it was definitely a shove and not a nudge I was given) was to start reading non-fiction books.

I had been an avid reader of fiction as a kid, and in early adulthood I would occasionally read a fiction book, but my life change significantly when I started reading and digesting good quality non-fiction books in my 30’s and beyond.

I have since read hundred’s of books, and now I have set myself the not-so-easy task of deciding which 6 of them I think are the ‘best’ or have had the most profound impact on my personal growth and understanding.

So let me have a shot at this and see how I go.

Book Growth Perspective Success


I have read 100’s of books over the last 20 years, when I made a commitment to self education through reading non-Fiction books. It really was a game changer for me. Here is a list of some of my favourites – by topic. I have an asterix besides some of my more favourite favourites. I like to read quite broadly, so that I am more likely to come up with novel and creative ideas, but putting different pieces together in unique ways.

Generally I have 2-4 books going at once.

  1. A business related book
  2. A self-help book
  3. A more technical book to enhance my skills as a coach (e.g. psychology, neuroscience, epigenetics, nutrition, etc.)
  4. A fiction book (mostly something far removed from ‘reality’, but with good messages built into them)
Book consciousness Growth

The Successful Mind: Chapter 1 – Introduction

book introBefore you is a foundational pillar of knowledge, experience and wisdom I have come to understand and constantly apply to support myself, and my coaching clients, in creating the greatest possible life experience. My greatest desire is to help you create a joyful, rich living experience that provides you with all of the wonderful relationships and achievements that define a vibrant life. When you come to truly understand what I am about to share with you over the next few hours, and step into the direction that is right for you, your life will take on a whole new meaning and your journey into joy, health, vitality, success, and abundance will be underway in earnest.

I am excited to be able to share with you what I have joyfully, and also painstakingly, learned over the last 20 years. I also aim to fast-track your journey of coming to learn and understand this knowledge, because I know it to be a necessary and powerful stepping-stone on the path to evolution.

Belief Book Choice Growth

The Only Time You Have No Choice is When You ‘Believe’ You Have No Choice

choose the life you wantDo you agree with the statement I made in the title? That there is never a time where you have no choice.

Viktor Frankl believed that. He wrote Man’s Search For Meaning and talked about how in Nazi concentration camps in WWII, regardless of what was done to them, they always had a choice as to what meaning they gave an experience. And it was the meaning people attributed to the situation which had a bigger impact on their survival than any physical attribute.

Now let’s lighten things up before I go any further, as most of us are not in, nor are likely to be in that kind of situation. But it is a great reminder that we always have some choice. It gives us some perspective.

Book Happiness Tips Optimum Health

Q&A Time: Getting Perspective on the Gene Thing

iconsChristine (from USA) Question: “With modern medicine today there are many tests you can have now to see if you are more likely to develop some awful diseases such as Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s. Would you want to know?”

The right question

One of the things I teach in the 30-Day Happiness Challenge, is to ask better questions. And also to make sure the question we are asking does not pre-suppose a ‘fact’ that is not really a fact (100% true, 100% percent of time). Otherwise the answer we get will not be relevant.

By the way. Just wanted to remind you that I am not a Doctor, in case you forgot. I am just a voracious reader, researcher and therapist / Coach.

Here is the thing on modern medicine. It is EXCELLENT at treating symptoms – or broken stuff – but crap at the preventative stuff, and the creating optimum health stuff. For more on this read ‘Mind Over Medicine‘ by Dr Lissa Rankin.

Book Optimum Health

Pillar 6 to Optimum Health: Wholeheartedness (from The Guidebook to Optimum Health)

wholeheartednessThe trump card

As I was writing my book on optimum health, I thought I had it all sorted out with my 5 Pillars: exercise, nutrition, detoxing, rest and how we used our minds. But something was niggling at the back of my mind. Sort of saying, ‘Are you missing something?’

Well it turns out I was. I had the body covered; the mind covered; but I didn’t have the heart taken care of. And the reality is, you cannot separate these three parts. It is like trying to create a complete picture, but only using two-thirds of the jigsaw pieces. There will be gaps and in this case those gaps can be major illness, recurring aches & pains, and even that regular ‘cold’ or ‘flu’.

Book Optimum Health

Pillar 5 to Optimum Health: Mindfulness (from The Guidebook to Optimum Health)

mindfullnessNice word. What does it mean?

I use the term ‘mindfulness’ which is based on the concept of mindfulness in Buddhist meditation, but take it broader, into how it shows up each and every day. As numerous ‘smart people’ have told us over past millennium, we only have ‘this moment’. The past is gone, and the future is yet to be shaped. So it is the sum of our moments, and how we use them, that ultimately determines what quality of life we have and the level of results we achieve.

The other word that pops up when we talk about mindfulness is ‘consciousness’. Being conscious of the big picture, the small picture, our place in the picture, other peoples place in the picture, the possibilities, the reality of where you are right now, the place you want to arrive at, and your inner dialogue. So for me, mindfulness is a heightened level of consciousness of our thinking, feeling and behaving.

Book Optimum Health Physical Activity

Pillar 1 for Optimum Health: Physical Activity (from The Guidebook to Optimum Health)

activityNo surprises

The first Pillar (or key) to Optimum Health is – no surprises – physical activity. I can just imagine you reading this thinking, yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me something I don’t know. Did you know that physical activity actually helps with your memory, your cognitive functioning and neurogenesis (development of new neurons)? Physical activity is just as important for the brain as it for the body and internal systems. Sometimes we forget that. You are also likely to score better on tests or be more creative after you exercise. Now have I got your attention? 😉   Tal Ben-Sharar, a leader in the positive psychology field, said ‘Not exercising is like taking a depressant’. Oops. It turns out that exercise is one of the best stress management and stress resilience strategies we have. In many research situations exercise performs just as well as anti-depressants (without the side-effects).