Choice consciousness Growth Nutrition Optimum Health Rest Self Love Stress Success

The Message I Most Want to Share

humanI was very excited about 2020.
I was thinking that it would be an amazing year of possibility and potential. It had the potential to be something truly unique, memorable and great.

Now of the list of things I thought might unfold in 2020, the idea that one of the trillions and trillions of viruses on the planet would be the main player and the world economy would be rattled significantly was not even in my Top 100. If I had a list of Top 500, it probably would not have featured there either. Maybe I am not watching enough world ending catastrophe movies!

So what has this experience taught me, and what do I most want to share, in order to be best serve people?

My role for the last 15 years – since I wrote my first Newsletter in 2005 – has been to learn as much as I could about HEALTH (physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual) in order for me to digest and trial the best of the best and then pass what I have learned to others. In 2008 this joyfully became my full-time job.

I have always believed as individuals we have an incredible amount of power and untapped power to become truly remarkable human beings, who can make remarkable contributions to the people around us and the world itself (and even beyond our planet).

I have one principle message I want to speak on today, so there is a potential this Newsletter might be my shortest ever (but I have been wrong before!).

Belief Choice consciousness Growth Nutrition Optimum Health

Making Great Health Choices Requires Knowing What the Choices Are

yinyangI have written books about a number of subjects over the last 9 years, and all of them are in alignment with my favourite passion and principle value – HEALTH and VITALITY. I have ALWAYS been fascinated with the subject of how to create a healthy body and mind.

And the deeper I go, the more I get into the associated aspects of our health like our emotional health, our psychological health and even our spiritual health (feeling connected to something bigger than us). A physicist might call it the unified quantum field and someone else might call it Earth, source, or God or the collective consciousness.

So while this corona virus experience is happening (I choose not to use the word ‘pandemic’ as it is a word that triggers an unconscious emotive response activating the stress response and even WHO have chosen to no longer officially use that terminology), I have not only being paying attention to the things that relate to our immediate health – like boosting our very intelligent immune systems and working on deactiviating the sympathetic nervous system – but the health impacts of things in the intermediate and long term.

One of the things I feel I can’t ignore are the conversations around vaccines. So I set out to do even more research on this and hear conversations from both sides.

Nutrition Optimum Health Physical Activity Yoga

5 of The Best Health Tips For Increased Vitality and Longevity

longevityI guess the first tip could be something like this…do a trek in Nepal or join me next year for a trek in Tibet. 😉

Since the Tibet trip is several months off, I will offer you 5 other great tips to keep you going for now.Let’s get straight into them.


Tip #1 for increased Vitality & Longevity: Based on Einstein’s definition of insanity

Are you familiar with Einsteins quote about INSANITY.
Essentially it was about doing what you have always done and ‘hoping’ for a different result. It’s like putting the same (wrong) ingredients into a cake mix and expecting the end result to be a great cake. NUP! Insanity. 😉

Optimum Health Physical Activity

You Need to See and Hear This

see hearI have just been reading an interesting book called ‘Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement’ by Katy Bowman, which talks about the physical loads we place on our bodies and different parts of our bodies, thus affecting the expression of our genes. Another reminder that WE can influence our genetic expression.

In the book there were some great reminders and insights into maintaining our vision and hearing, which I needed to share. Especially after being in Singapore, where so many people walk around the streets and metro stations with their faces in their smart phones, and headphones pumping artificial sound into their ears.

Our hearing and vision is SO important for our lives, that we need to make sure we don’t take them for granted. Imagine if you lost even 50% of your vision or hearing. How would that impact everything in your life?

Important things (like your hearing and vision) need important and focused attention; so here are my Tips for maintaining and improving them.

Optimum Health Personality

What Most of Us Don’t Know (or Realise) is Heavily Influencing Our Health

personality bwWe talked about LIFESTYLE changes last week as being Part 1 of the optimizing health initiatives, but now we come to something that will unhinge even the best lifestyle habits.Welcome to Part 2:

(Radically) Change Your Personality

And now to answer the big question that most people have for me. What the (bleep) are you talking about Massy?


Nutrition Optimum Health

How to Optimize Your Health and Overcome Illness: Part 1

TGTOH Ok. So here is what I have learned over the last 20 or so years, when it comes to health. Whether it is about taking your level higher (to experience more energy and vitality) or to move out of illness or disease.

There are two main things to focus on, and the more ‘radically’ you approach them, the greater results you will get.

So this week I will be talking about Part 1: (Radically) Change Your Lifestyle

And then next week we will talk about the part that almost all people (including many health care professionals) don’t get, don’t apply, and therefore don’t get the results that are possible.

Optimum Health Physical Activity

Low Energy? What to Do About It…

energyHere’s the scenario:

I met with a client of mine who had just finished a month long yoga training course. It is pretty full on. Lots of physical stuff, lots of emotional stuff, lots of stuff to learn. Long days and only one day off a week. Pretty grueling by anyone’s standards.

When I met them them were slumped in their chair, and telling me they were so exhausted and could hardly function. Let alone, pay attention or get excited about the coaching I was about to do with them.

But then it changed…

Optimum Health Physical Activity

Why Yoga is SO Powerful When It Comes to Health

yogaReason 1. It has lasted over 3,000 years. I think that definitely rules it out of the ‘fad’ category. How can something survive 3,000 years? My guess is because it is a ‘difference maker’. It works – on so many levels.

When I talk Optimum Health (physical and mental) I talk about the 6 essential pillars: physical activity, nutrition, detoxification, rest, mindfulness and wholeheartedness. I also talk about choosing activities or habits which have the biggest ROI (return on investment). It turns out that a single yoga session ticks 5 out of 6 optimum health boxes – which makes it a SUPERFOOD for the mind and body.

In 1999 I started doing yoga. It was an important part of the biggest course correction in my life. It was – LIFE CHANGING.

Optimum Health

10 Awesome Health Tips

top 10These Tips are in no specific order, and drawn from The Guidebook to Optimum Health, which I am strongly suggesting you check out.

By the way. You do know there is a cure for cancer, right? 1000’s of people every year cure themselves of cancer – and not through radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. They make radical changes (and choices) in their thinking, their lifestyles, their emotions, their mindsets, their internal beliefs and how they manage stress. But that is a bigger topic for another day…



1. Did you know that the calcium found in dark green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach is processed by the body better than the calcium in dairy products (which you know I am not a fan of anyway)? Eat more green leafy vegetables.

Gratitude Happiness Tips Life Coaching Optimum Health

How I Got Myself Out of a Bad Funk Last Week

out of funkYou will be happy to know I am just like you and sometimes I get myself into a wicked emotional tail spin I can’t seem to shake. 😉 Last week I got myself in a total tizz. I was totally agitated and stuck in a ‘not-so-happy’ spot. So let me share with you exactly how I got out of it.


Changing your biochemistry

When we are in a funk as I call it, what is happening is we are thinking a certain way, which is causing us to feel a certain way, we is causing us to think a certain way, and then … you get the point. This was my ‘tail spin’ or ’emotional sink hole’.

The thing with thinking is what we focus our attention on grows. Which leads to feeling. So if we want to change our results, we need to change what we are giving our attention too. It turns out I was paying too much attention to what was not working – which caused me to feel stressed. Which meant I became stupider. I also could not find a solution in that state of mind.

I needed to change my state and my biochemistry.