Choice Growth Nutrition Optimum Health

My Top Health Tips to Thrive in 2023 (Part 1) Nutrition

This is not only my favourite topic, but something I have been reading, writing and researching since about 1999.

It was in 1999 that I started playing with different ways of eating, living and thinking.

Over the decades I have experimented with numerous concepts, philosophies, practices and elements, and here are some of the things I have discovered along the way.

In 2014 I even published a book called The Guidebook to Optimum Health, which is still current, though I might have to update the section on ‘detoxification’.

So with all of that said, let’s jump straight in.

Note: They are not in priority order, but the order they came to mind and this is Part 1 of a 2-Part “Health Tips” Blog.

Choice Confidence Decision Making Optimum Health Perspective Problem Success

Why Use Only 1 Brain When You Have 3 Brains?

Yes, I said 3!

And no, I have not lost the plot or been smoking weed (as a new hobby).

All will be revealed very shortly.

And then you will get to reap the benefits.

If you have heard me talk about this before, my apologies, but I am going to hazard a guess that you could benefit from a wee reminder.

For those new to your powerful, potent and task-specific 3 brains, let’s journey on.

Remember; the better we optimize our brains, the better decisions we make, and the greater Destiny we co-create.


Choice Growth Life Lessons Meditation Optimum Health Perspective Success

How to Become a Leader of Your Mind, Body and Results

Hands up if you received any leadership training in your life.

What about exceptional role models leaders who guided you through childhood.

How about the quality leaders and leadership you experienced through the educational system.

In my case, I did have leadership training, I did have some great leadership examples growing up, but I also had some WOEFULLY poor leadership role modelling through the first 25 years of my life, which I spent the next 25-years UNLEARNING!

For many clients I work with, they have had no clear leadership training, and either poor or mediocre role modelling in their life.

There is a gap in their KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE, which negatively impacts the quality of their RESULTS (in all areas of their life).

It even impacts how they experience life, on day-to-day basis.

Choice Decision Making Emotional Optimum Health Problem Stress

Emotional Eating Does Not Solve The Root Cause

In order to keep these conversations with you relevant, I like to draw on real-life experiences I am exposed to (generally with my coaching clients).

This was as a result of a conversation with a client the other day.

The context is they wanted to better understand why (exactly) – when they are upset – they quaff a couple of glasses of wine, while snacking thorough a bunch of chocolate bars.

I think we might all identify this as ’emotional eating’.

You experience a negative emotional state, which leads to binge eating.

And unfortunately, the binge eating generally does not involve carrot or celery sticks and a homemade organic dip.

It is most often high calorie, low nutrient, foods.

Why? Why? Why?

And what to do?

Belief consciousness Emotional Growth Optimum Health

Discover The Missing Part in Most Health Strategies

The missing part in health strategies.


I know you know – especially if you actually read my blogs – that the universe is made up of the seen and the unseen. The physical and non-physical. Energy and matter.

Therefore, it stands to reason that if we want to ‘solve’ something, we might need to work on both the seen, and the unseen.

It has been my experience over the last 52 years, and particularly in the last 23-years that I have been immersed in the personal development and optimum health field, that if you just focus on solving things in the ‘outer’ world (the seen or physical), you will get a 50% effective (or less) outcome.

So essentially my 2-part health solving strategy, is about doing the OUTER work as well as doing the INNER work.

Here is what I do when I am feeling crook, off, ill, in pain or unwell.

Choice Optimum Health Perspective

EMF, Air Pods and Optimum Health

EMF pollution

I am 52 as I write this. I have been passionate about the health and wellness thing all my life, and full-time in the biz for close to two decades. Here is one unsurprising observation.

People make many choices based on ‘convenience’ rather than ‘I wonder whether (XYZ) might be bad for me in the medium to long term?’. And no this is not an article about the last 2 years, or anything covid related, though there is definitely some relevance.

Just before writing this article, I recorded a podcast talking about “Why, when and how we need to be our own doctor” (and scientist). I believe that one of the first stepping stones on the path to self-evolution or self-actualisation as Maslow called it; is personal responsibility. Unfortunately it is not sexy. Does not sell well. Frustrates my clients. And a lot of times it is damn pain in the butt.

But we all know it. Deep in our hearts. Sometimes what is actually good for us is not necessarily yummy, easy to do, or easy to maintain.

When was the last time you stepped up to the chin-up bar and got excited and giddy about the idea of busting out 10 chin-ups (or even 1 for that matter?

Choice Growth Life Lessons Optimum Health Perspective

Discover FAT – The Facts and the Fiction

Of course, before I start I will acknowledge that anything about nutrition is very emotionally changed and many people have pretty set ideas. My work with coaching and studying extensively on a broad range of subjects over the last 20 years leads me to believe that the most evolved people have open minds, are forever curious and can hold paradoxical thoughts without flipping out. 

So do enter this conversation with an evolved mind and see what you can take away for your personal benefit. 🙂

I am just going to lay out a few bullet points and then direct you to the movie I would recommend called Fat Fiction which is pretty well presented and collated. There are a couple of video images in the film from the 1970’s (I think) and present day. They are so telling. So let’s dive straight into the points I make and then I encourage you to watch the documentary.  

In relation to FAT this is what I have come to believe and understand: 

Belief Choice consciousness Optimum Health

The Great Reveal Behind the Curtain…Where Science Meets Marketing

marketingI have been wanting to write this article for a bunch of weeks, but I was making excuses as to why I ‘should’ or ‘should not’ write this article and finally I challenged myself to just do it. If it feels right to do so, then it feels right. I decided it was time to trust my inner guidance system.

So here goes…


Behind the curtain in the life of Carl Massy

As I sit down to write this blog post at 8:43am, there are a number of things I have already done to start my day.

Choice consciousness Emotional Growth Nutrition Optimum Health Relationship Success

A Holistic Investment Strategy


How about I just come straight out and say it.
If your investment strategy does not include ALL parts of your life, you might want to go back to the drawing board.

What good is an investment strategy that is one-dimensional, when life is a multi-dimensional experience? In The Guidebook to Authentic Success, I talk about the importance to consider all facets of your life, so you don’t become hyper-fixated on one area of your life, while other parts of your life turn to poop.

For those who want a reminder of the 8 Pillars when it comes to AUTHENTIC Success, they are:

  1. Daily Joy
  2. High Quality Relationships
  3. Feeling Connected
  4. Growing / Evolving
  5. Meaningful Life Goals
  6. Financial Flow
  7. Being Aligned with Authentic Self
  8. Optimum Health & Vitality
Choice Negative Emotions Optimum Health Rest

The 6 Best Immune System Boosters

immuneIn my last newsletter post I said I was surprised that at this particular moment in time, with the whole corona virus thing going on, there has been very little (maybe none) directives coming from our government health departments about how to boost our immune systems.

Due to a lack of top down information, let me have a shot at sharing my top pick on how to tap into your body’s intelligence and healing abilities.

I know I am talking to an educated audience who already know that doing physical activity is essential for the immune system and in particular the lymphatic system, which cleans our blood and depends on movement of muscles (aka: physical activity) to function optimally.

Now let us move on to my other Top 6 immune system boosters and triggers to optimal health and vitality.
Here goes!