Belief Book consciousness

6 of My Favourite Life Changing Books

The best life changing books to read

I often tell the story that my journey down the personal development path (which for me is also about the quest to experience self actualisation) began around Easter 1999. One of the things I chose to do at that point, as a result of the right shove (it was definitely a shove and not a nudge I was given) was to start reading non-fiction books.

I had been an avid reader of fiction as a kid, and in early adulthood I would occasionally read a fiction book, but my life change significantly when I started reading and digesting good quality non-fiction books in my 30’s and beyond.

I have since read hundred’s of books, and now I have set myself the not-so-easy task of deciding which 6 of them I think are the ‘best’ or have had the most profound impact on my personal growth and understanding.

So let me have a shot at this and see how I go.

Belief Choice Decision Making Growth Perspective


Get ready, because I am going to plug my new book – Decision Making MasteryBecome a Skillful and Conscious Co-Creator in Your Destiny – in the very first part of this blog post. Check it out. Okay. Done.

Now to share with you one of the elements I talk about in my book, that I think is really important for us to acknowledge, understand and practice in our own lives. And yes, you already know what it is. It is about changing your mind

My observation

At the time of writing this, I have been doing this thing called ‘coaching’ for over 13 years now. I have worked with 100’s of people from all walks of life. I have observed them make lots of great decisions, and I have observed them make some terrible decisions (myself included).

What I have come to know as a ‘fact’ is we all make bad decisions.

Belief Choice Feeling Growth Life Lessons



I am never too proud (or self inflated in my smartness) to take the good advice offered to me by those around me. In this case it is the wise examples of our pooch – Apple – who is currently 13-years old (or 91 in ‘dog years’).

I often tell my coaching clients to look into nature for the answers to some (and sometimes all) of the challenges they might be facing. I ask them, what can you learn from observing mother nature? How does she deal with a similar situation?

This time I decided to pay attention to what my pooch is showing me is the way to live a joyful, fulfilling and carefree life.

Our dog obviously behaved herself in a former life and therefore came into the world into a caring and loving family, so she got off to a good start. 

Belief Choice Gratitude Joy

3 Ideas (I think are) Worth Sharing

smileIDEA 1: Contrary to popular belief…one size does not fit all

We are unfortunately, and more recently, being bombarded with the idea that ONE SIZE FITS ALL.
I have to tell you – that is just not true.

If I had you stand in a small group of say 7.8 billion people, you would be the only one with a finger print that looks the way yours does. In 7.8 billion people, something that is about 1/5000th of the whole you, is completely unique. AMAZING!!!

This means the whole you is SO unique, the very thought that one size fits all see

ms ludicrous.

One size does not fit all when it comes to:

Belief Choice consciousness Optimum Health

The Great Reveal Behind the Curtain…Where Science Meets Marketing

marketingI have been wanting to write this article for a bunch of weeks, but I was making excuses as to why I ‘should’ or ‘should not’ write this article and finally I challenged myself to just do it. If it feels right to do so, then it feels right. I decided it was time to trust my inner guidance system.

So here goes…


Behind the curtain in the life of Carl Massy

As I sit down to write this blog post at 8:43am, there are a number of things I have already done to start my day.

Belief Choice consciousness Growth Nutrition Optimum Health

Making Great Health Choices Requires Knowing What the Choices Are

yinyangI have written books about a number of subjects over the last 9 years, and all of them are in alignment with my favourite passion and principle value – HEALTH and VITALITY. I have ALWAYS been fascinated with the subject of how to create a healthy body and mind.

And the deeper I go, the more I get into the associated aspects of our health like our emotional health, our psychological health and even our spiritual health (feeling connected to something bigger than us). A physicist might call it the unified quantum field and someone else might call it Earth, source, or God or the collective consciousness.

So while this corona virus experience is happening (I choose not to use the word ‘pandemic’ as it is a word that triggers an unconscious emotive response activating the stress response and even WHO have chosen to no longer officially use that terminology), I have not only being paying attention to the things that relate to our immediate health – like boosting our very intelligent immune systems and working on deactiviating the sympathetic nervous system – but the health impacts of things in the intermediate and long term.

One of the things I feel I can’t ignore are the conversations around vaccines. So I set out to do even more research on this and hear conversations from both sides.

Belief Choice consciousness Doubt Growth

How to Remain Consciously Aware When You are Really Really Confused!

confusedI have written a LOT over the years about the importance of having the upper brain (cortex) running the show; instead of the mammalian part of the brain when things are more complex. Human thinking versus dog thinking (where the solution is to bite it, pee on it, or hump it!).

Now is definitely a time to keep our sh#t together when there is so much craziness going on around us. Staying calm, centered and consciously applying wisdom in this period of uncertainty, is essential.

Full disclosure: I have been back and forth on writing this Newsletter for almost a week now. Normally I sit down to write my newsletter every 2 weeks and it takes me about 1.5 hrs to collect my thoughts and then type them out. It does not take a week!

So to remedy this I decided to take a step back and ask myself why I am here, now, in this body (as a human) in this specific period of time in the 4.5 billion year history of planet earth.

Here is why I think I am here: To help people wake up to a deeper level of intelligence, a deeper level of wisdom, and a deeper level of conscious awareness, so they can make high quality choices that support themselves (their bodies, minds and spirit), that supports other people on the planet and supports the planet itself. 

Belief consciousness Fear Growth Life Lessons

My Approach to Adversity, Disruption and Change

lightI am writing this newsletter (and blog post) on 19 March 2020.
And the state of affairs near and far has changed a radical amount since my last newsletter one month ago due to the corona virus (pandemic).
So my first acknowledgment is the insanely quick rate at which major change can occur. And often with rapid change, there is a whole lot of uncertainty left in it’s wake. Where I imagine many people are right now.

Therefore in this article I thought I would just share some of my thoughts and suggestions around how we can best navigate our way through this experience and beyond.

I am actually finding it a little hard to write now, without coming across as an insensitive so-and-so. You see, I know I am going to die at some point. And I am actually ok with that. I also acknowledge we will all die at some time, and I am at peace with the thought of that as well. So with that inevitability, I am more interested in how I am living now, and how am I contributing to the well-being of the other people on this planet, plus how am I contributing to the planet and all its inhabitants as well.

So I am for LIFE and that is what I will be writing about today. How to experience more life in these times of uncertainty.

Belief Choice Joy Life Lessons

What If Caring Less Actually Gets You What You Want…

It sounds so sweet.It sounds like something we ‘ought’ to do all of the time. Or at the least a lot of the time.

But is that really useful? Does being a really great carer lead to peace, joy, fulfillment, and a meaningful life experience?

Caring, like a lot of things, is great when it is done for the right situations, to the right amount, at the right time.

It has been my experience coaching 100’s of people over the last 12 years that people are a little bit crap at establishing when are the right times to care A LOT and when are the right times to give less of a damn.

So the lesson for today is about re-calibrating your caring muscles to bring you more ease, joy, and success.

Are you ready?

Belief Emotional Growth Perspective Success

This Simple Strategy Can Change Your Emotions, Opportunities, Creativity and Results

This Simple StrategyYou know I am a big fan of simple and practical strategies that make a real difference, right now, in peoples lives (including the life of myself).

This technique is very simple to do…which also means it is very simple NOT TO DO.
So you need to set the intention right now, that you will trial it for the rest of the day and for a period of at least 48hrs.

Are you ready to commit to that?