Goal Setting Tips Happiness Tips

The 3 Essential Pieces to the Happy-Every-Day Puzzle

happiness puzzleUnless you effectively address ALL three parts of the Happiness Puzzle it may be difficult for you to achieve your highest level of happiness. How do you score in each of the three key parts?

Piece 1: Past Programming 

Here is a question for you. How effective and efficient would your computer be running if you were still using Microsoft Office 1.0 (from 1990) instead of Microsoft Office 2011? Pretty obvious isn’t it. Yet many of us are actually still using old beliefs, thinking patterns and habits we learned decades ago.

We need to challenge our beliefs, our habitual thinking and our reactive patterns of behaviour. Firstly, we need to realise something is not a FACT unless it is 100% true, 100% of the time, for 100% of people. Our beliefs are not facts; just useful tools until we find something better. 

Choice Doubt Happiness Tips

5 Tips to Creating Powerful Momentum (when you are feeling stuck)

momentumTo keep the momentum going I am going to just jump straight in. How is that for momentum!!

Momentum Tip 1: Don’t make it about yourself

This is first and I think most important. It is what got me moving to write this newsletter when the other option was to kick back and read a book on this wet Bali morning (which for the record was VERY appealing). When I stop thinking about myself and start thinking about how I can help others, or serve others, or support others, it makes me dip into a source of creative energy much bigger than me. Quite often we will do more because of another person or for another person than we will do for ourselves. So focus on how you can help others. When you focus on serving others, you are also likely to be liberating some healthy brain chemicals to turn up your emotional energy.

Momentum Tip 2: Connect to the bigger picture

This is for two reasons really:

1. When you put things into perspective and given you are going to live for about another 50 years or so, is the two weeks where you worked at 40% productivity instead of 80% really going to matter? As much as I would like to think I make that much difference, the reality is my 2 weeks at half pace will mean nothing to me in 6-months time. So stop beating yourself up and just consider how you can change things from today forward. Which takes me to the next point.

Happiness Tips Physical Activity

How to Do Energization Exercises with Carl Massy

This simple set of exercises – called Energization Exercises – are designed to wake up body and mind at the start of a day or any other time that you need to increase your energy. You are effectively increasing the blood flow throughout your body, getting oxygen to all of the cells in your body, waking up your amazing mind, stimulating your immune system by stimulating the lymphatic system and performing an act of self love because it is wonderful for the whole body and mind.

Below is a video to show you one series of exercises we teach at WorldsBIGGESTGym and is an integral part of the success our clients get when they do the transformational Coaching program, the 30-Day Happiness Challenge.

What do you do to wake your mind and body up in the morning?

Gratitude Money

How to Reset Your Money Mindset

moneyWe all have them at times. Them being ‘money issues’.

Whether it is a homeless person or a billionaire. We have all experienced stress when it comes to money and the thinking that does with it. So I am just going to give you a list of some of the most effective Tips I know and have used (sometimes more diligently than others) when it comes to MONEY$$$$$$.


1. What are you telling yourself?

What are your beliefs on money? What is the loop recording you play in your mind when it comes to money? Below are a few of my favourites from clients I have coached over the years:

Happiness Tips Physical Activity

One of THE BEST happiness strategies

happinessAn essential happiness strategy. Now I haven’t written about one of my favourite topics for a while, so I thought it was about time.

I am going to write about the thing that gives you more energy and vitality, makes your skin glow, slows down the ageing process, detoxifies the body, reduces body odour, makes you body burn more calories at rest, helps you poop (gross but very essential to health and happiness), manages stress by consuming excess adrenalin in your body, increases mental clarity, regulates blood and oxygen flow through the body, makes you more attractive to the opposite sex, improves your sex life, floods your body with endorphins, makes you smarter by increased blood flow to the brain, and I could still go on and on.

Now if I you did not tick off at least one or more ‘desirables’ on the list above then I am going to hang my hat up, and stop calling myself a Life Coach. I am sure that it comes as no surprise to anyone that we are talking about physical activity. It is just SO GOOD for us on so many levels, that I just had to talk about it today. Tal Ben-Sharar who wrote the book Happier actually said, “Not exercising is like taking a depressant”.

Goal Setting Tips Happiness Tips Physical Activity

What are you really capable of?

trophyThis is a story. A real story. A story of trials and triumphs. It is even a story with a happy ending. And there are plenty of lessons in it we can all take away. Myself included. It is about someone – a normal every day someone – that realised that you can continue to aim big regardless of where you are in life. Best of all, it shows we are a winner, the moment we make a definite choice and then step off in the direction of that goal. The result we achieve is much less important than the feeling that we gave it ‘our best shot’.

I met Leanne over a year ago now, through a mutual friend of ours, when she was just at the point of deciding to make her ‘comeback’ and decided to use our 30-Day Happiness Challenge as a springboard. She was 39 years old and on the cusp of turning 40. She had a daughter that was just over one year old, another daughter who was six, two young step-sons, the sometimes inherent challenges of step-family life and ex-spouses and a head full of thoughts. Hardly the stage setting, you would think, for the decision to become the number 1 Water Ski Racing champion in the world. In fact most of us would think that she was about to bite off a lot more than she could fully chew…but it was George Bernard Shaw who said “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.”

Happiness Tips

Find out what is holding you back and what to do about it?

pauseI started writing this ‘note’ on Facebook, but I couldn’t really do it justice by trying to say everything in 420 words or less. You would not get the true benefit of my own personal experience with a limiting and very disempowering belief. What I am going to do it to briefly explain my personal experience and then talk about the methods you can use to overcome or move through the limitations that exist.

So I realised in the last few months that I have a pretty strong disempowering belief that says: “it is bad to interrupt or inconvenience people”. I am pretty sure that I picked up this belief statement during my childhood, innocently enough, when I got a clip around the ear or told to be quiet and not interrupt. Sounds harmless enough and it is pretty harmless when we are 7 years old, but now let’s fast-forward that belief about 35 years…to a time where I am growing and ‘promoting’ my new business.