Choice consciousness Growth Joy Perspective

5 Practices on the Path to Peace: Inspired by ‘Stillness is the Key’ by Ryan Holiday

Path to PeaceIt’s probably not the best idea to be promoting other people’s books when you have recently released your own book (The Successful Mind), but since my number 1 thing in life is to share the best of what I learn on my journey, we will be looking at some great ideas Ryan Holiday shares in his great book – Stillness is the Key.

His book has plenty of ideas, but I’ve picked five of them that resonate with my teachings and are totally doable, practical and have a great return on investment.

He talks about stillness being the key, and draws on the philosophical teachings of Stoicism, plus a number of Eastern systems and practices. And for me, deeper (inner) stillness is one of the pathways and essential elements to experiencing more peace in your life.

Actually here is a (big) question for you. Would you prefer a million dollars or the guarantee of a deep sense of peace for the foreseeable future?

Think on that. Do you want deep peace or the cash?!?!
And if you chose the money (which is ok), ask yourself this question: “What do I think the money will make me feel?” and “What do I want to feel?”

For me, peace is a beautiful goal to be working towards.
So let’s look at these ‘stillness’ practices.

Choice consciousness Growth Meditation

2 BIG Ideas!!

wisdomWelcome to the first newsletter and blog post of the decade. I am honoured to have you join me.

Today I am going to share 2 BIG ideas to take into 2020 (and beyond).

Last year I attended a magnificent retreat with one of the top Coaches in the USA and abroad – Michael Neill – who I have also offered to host in Bali in September this year (so keep plugged in to hear details about that).

There were two major things I took away from the event, which reinforced what I already understand about the nature of things, which I apply in my own life (sometimes more effectively than other times) and which I teach at my Life Masterclass (and yes that is a shameless plug…hope to see you there!).

So let’s jump right to them…


Belief Choice Joy Life Lessons

What If Caring Less Actually Gets You What You Want…

It sounds so sweet.It sounds like something we ‘ought’ to do all of the time. Or at the least a lot of the time.

But is that really useful? Does being a really great carer lead to peace, joy, fulfillment, and a meaningful life experience?

Caring, like a lot of things, is great when it is done for the right situations, to the right amount, at the right time.

It has been my experience coaching 100’s of people over the last 12 years that people are a little bit crap at establishing when are the right times to care A LOT and when are the right times to give less of a damn.

So the lesson for today is about re-calibrating your caring muscles to bring you more ease, joy, and success.

Are you ready?

Choice consciousness Growth

Conscious Living in Support of Team Planet Earth

earthLet me start with a question or two…
Is it possible to have a healthy body, or to experience health in general, if the environment in which your body operates is unhealthy?Is it possible to be free of harmful toxins in your body, if the environment in which you reside contains harmful toxins (in the air, water, and soil)?

I think I can guess your probable response to those rhetorical questions.

In The Guidebook to Optimum Health, I talk about one of the 6 key pillars to experiencing a state of optimum health, as being detoxification (the others are physical activity, nutrition, rest, mindfulness and wholeheartedness), which is impacted by the daily choices we make.

Acceptance consciousness Emotional Growth Perspective

The Profound Lesson I Learned from A Balinese Rooster & A Dog

learnAre you curious yet?

Life lessons from a Balinese rooster and a dog…

I am not sure exactly how much of a roosters head is filled with brain matter, but I am guessing it is not that much. So how could a rooster teach me such a profound lesson?

I guess you are going to have to read on to find out…

Choice Confidence Growth Success

Confidence is Overrated (and Not Necessary for Success)

courageAt the time of this writing, I have been coaching a wide range of individuals, from all over the world, and from every walk of life for a little over 12 years.

And one of the most common things people tell me they want more of is ‘confidence’.

Somewhere along the line we have bought into the idea that CONFIDENCE = SUCCESS.
And that without ‘confidence’ you won’t succeed, or realise your dreams.

Here is what do I say to that?


Choice consciousness Meditation Stress

How to Increase Your Peace of Mind

peaceHow about we get started with a question.

Hands up if you would like more peace of mind?
A little?
Or a LOT!!!!!!?????!!!?????

My hand is up for A LOT and this has been a work in progress for me for a long time. I have been curious to figure out the best ways how and I will be sharing one way with you shortly.

Choice Growth Life Lessons Perspective Relationship

The Big 5-0. 5 Things I Am More Clear About as A Result of Turning 50

50I recently had the joy of turning 50. For those of you that have not yet made it, you might find something of value in my musings and for those that have already stepped beyond their 50th birthday, maybe you will find something to reflect on here – or have the chance the relive that magical moment.

Do I feel different?
Nope.Do I think it is funny that I am now a 50 year old?
Absolutely!Do I think people will think I am wiser now I am 50?
I hope so (he he he).

Now enough of me asking and answering my silly questions, let’s get on with the 5 lessons that might actually be useful for YOU. Here goes!!

Choice Perspective Stress

Procrastination…The 3 Principle Causes and The Respective Antidotes

ProcrastinationWhenever I am getting ready to coach a new client I sent them a questionnaire to complete with a bazillion questions on it, and one of the questions is asking them their ‘worst habits’.

Invariably (from every 2nd or 3rd person) I will get this…”I procrastinate”, or even worse…”I AM a procrastinator”.
If you have followed any of my work in my books and workshops you know I am much more a fan of the not-kind-to-self statements that don’t have an “I AM” out the front.So this post is definitely for the people who DO procrastination; and for that those have bought into the mistaken belief that they ARE a procrastinator, don’t worry because the insights and tools to untangle that story are relevant for you too.

And so we begin.

Book consciousness Growth

The Successful Mind: Chapter 1 – Introduction

book introBefore you is a foundational pillar of knowledge, experience and wisdom I have come to understand and constantly apply to support myself, and my coaching clients, in creating the greatest possible life experience. My greatest desire is to help you create a joyful, rich living experience that provides you with all of the wonderful relationships and achievements that define a vibrant life. When you come to truly understand what I am about to share with you over the next few hours, and step into the direction that is right for you, your life will take on a whole new meaning and your journey into joy, health, vitality, success, and abundance will be underway in earnest.

I am excited to be able to share with you what I have joyfully, and also painstakingly, learned over the last 20 years. I also aim to fast-track your journey of coming to learn and understand this knowledge, because I know it to be a necessary and powerful stepping-stone on the path to evolution.