Choice Growth Life Lessons Perspective Success

Why Discomfort is a Poor (Life) Navigation Tool

Navigating Life

As you may or may not know, I have been doing this coaching thing for well over a decade, so I have heard LOTS of excuses in my day (even from the bloke who looks at me in the mirror.

My favourite excuse is: “But it is so hard.” (Often said in a whiny voice)

And my favourite response is to yawn. And then I tell them that they are telling the wrong person. Of course it is hard! That’s how a lot of this GROWTH thing works. And I am sorry, but I did not make the rules of the universe.

If you go to the gym and lift weights that are comfortable, and easy, and not challenging, I am sure you know what the end result will be. You won’t become stronger and your muscle fibers will not grow in size or density. It is resistance, which is generally uncomfortable, which is necessary for physical growth.

Belief Doubt Fear Life Lessons Perspective

Discover the Right Way to use Fear

Dealing with Fear

I often have clients tell me it is ‘fear’ which is stopping them from having a greater life experience, or it is the thing that is ‘holding them back from (insert the thing they desire)’. Fear is something I have come to understand a lot better within my clients, and within myself as well.

And like all things in this game of life, I often see a fork in the road. One way leads to learning and growth and the other leads to a downward spiral or something like ‘Ground Hog’ day. This fear thing can take us down the path of learning, growing and ultimately EVOLUTION, or it can leaves us marking time on the spot, or even going backwards.

The first thing I have come to notice when working with people, is often they have used the ‘fear’ line of response so often or unconsciously, that the fear thing is WAY bigger and way less tangible than is useful. It becomes a generic thing, rather than a specific thing. In it’s generic and undefined form it is of limited usefulness and can seem somewhat scary.

Choice Life Lessons Personality Perspective Success

3 Simple Ways Our Ego Holds Us Back

3 Ways the ego holds us back

It turns that if you would like to raise your level of conscious awareness, so you can be a greater participant in co-creating your destiny, then it pays to have a better understanding of consciousnesses disruptive cousin (who is also a bit of a pain in the butt) – EGO.

So let’s just jump straight in, shall we?

Number 1 Way Our Ego Holds Us Back: Hoodwinking

Our ego actually hoodwinks us into thinking that it is actually important, useful or necessary to see how we measure up against our peers, colleagues, and even those modern day constructs called ‘celebrities’.

Choice Confidence Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Personality Perspective Relationship

It is Okay (and Normal) to Not Be Liked by Everyone

This feels like a relevant topic now.

And I like to write about things that are relevant or uncomfortable, even if it means a bunch of people unsubscribe to my newsletter. However, I will try and lighten this subject up as much as possible. 

I have worked with 100’s of clients over the 14+ years doing the ‘coaching’ thing. In that time a very common ‘limiting belief’ that comes up, way too often, is a belief along the general lines of:

If I am not LIKED it means I am a bad person (or not worthy of love).

consciousness Feeling Growth Perspective

How Your Inner SAGE Helps to Navigate Challenging Times

I actually recorded a Podcast on this topic yesterday, so if you prefer to watch my talking head, you can watch it on YouTube here, or if you just prefer the audio, head over to my website here.

I have worked with lots of clients over the last 18+ months who have been struggling. I have also had friends and family struggling with different things, at different times, over this same period. So I am always trying to ‘figure out’ how I can best serve people – in a VERY PRACTICAL way – so they can navigate their way through life’s challenges.

And the challenges most people have faced in the past 18 months have been nothing like they have faced before. This means they need to show up as something even more, or maybe even something new, in order to adapt and overcome obstacles or challenges a ‘new’ environment.

Choice Growth Life Lessons Optimum Health Perspective

Discover FAT – The Facts and the Fiction

Of course, before I start I will acknowledge that anything about nutrition is very emotionally changed and many people have pretty set ideas. My work with coaching and studying extensively on a broad range of subjects over the last 20 years leads me to believe that the most evolved people have open minds, are forever curious and can hold paradoxical thoughts without flipping out. 

So do enter this conversation with an evolved mind and see what you can take away for your personal benefit. 🙂

I am just going to lay out a few bullet points and then direct you to the movie I would recommend called Fat Fiction which is pretty well presented and collated. There are a couple of video images in the film from the 1970’s (I think) and present day. They are so telling. So let’s dive straight into the points I make and then I encourage you to watch the documentary.  

In relation to FAT this is what I have come to believe and understand: 

Choice Decision Making Growth Perspective Success

Who Do You Need to BECOME? A Combination of Leader, Warrior & Sage

Over the last 18 months, while I have been working with my clients, I have been thinking about how best to serve them, plus how can I best serve them ‘moving forward’.

I think we can all agree (unless you are in the billionaires club), that 2020 and 2021 are among the most challenging and uncertain times and experiences that each of us have likely faced in our lives. 

I also don’t think things are going to settle down to stability, certainty, harmony and unity anytime soon. Would you agree that that is a fair enough statement? I wish for different, but I like to think of myself as a realistic optimist.

Belief Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Perspective

Why ‘Power Versus Force’ is Such an AWESOME Book

In my last blog, I said of the 500+ books I have read on all manner of personal development topics – neuroscience, metaphysics, quantum physics, numerous psychology teachings, epigenetics, spirituality, cosmology, etc. – one of my all times favourites is ‘Power Versus Force‘ by Dr David Hawkins. 

One of the reasons is because it is very aligned with one of my long-term teachings which is essentially:

Confidence is skin deep and cannot weather real obstacles. It is COURAGE that is the difference maker in all aspects of our life.

I think most people have been sold a dud when they have been convinced that if only they had more confidence they could achieve their greatest dreams.

Choice Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Perspective Problem Success

3 Ideas to Help with Your Decision-Making Upskilling

Just recently I recorded a 3-Part Series on Decision Making Mastery on my LIFE MASTERCLASS Podcast series, which I figured would be of value and benefit for you. I also thought if you got something out of these presentations, you might then do yourself a favour and grab a copy of my book too. 😉    

The 3-Part Series includes the following three presentations, which you can watch on YouTube (the links below will take you to the YouTube presentations):

Acceptance Choice Decision Making Growth Perspective

A Great Practical Strategy for Dealing with Life During Times of Uncertainty

My first point is to highlight the fact that making decisions uses energy. The brain consumes about 20% of the energy produced by the body, and doing critical thinking (like making decisions) by firing up the prefrontal cortex of the brain is one of the major energy users in the brain.

If we want more energy and vitality each and every day, we need to be extra conscious about have we use and consume our energy. Make sense?  

The second point I would like to make is that during times of uncertainty, especially where there are a lot of things happening in your environment that are beyond your control, the brain is likely to be in an elevated state of alertness (to keep you ‘safe’), which is also a major energy consumer.