Choice Doubt Life Purpose Perspective Success

5 Common Obstacles to Finding and Living Your Life Purpose

obstacleThese days I spend a lot of time working with people to help them figure out what they ought to be doing with their precious life and time, in a way that fulfills them and adds a healthy dose of meaningfulness (to help them jump out of bed in the morning).

Today I will share with you what I have seen to be the biggest obstacles for people who are a bit lost in the jungle of life. Plus some ideas to overcome them. Given I used to be an engineer in the army once upon a time, there is nothing I like more than dealing with obstacles. Going around them, over them, under them, or for even more fun, blowing them up!!

Choice Growth Life Purpose Perspective Problem

5 Ways to Make The Impossible Possible

impossibleThis is pretty much my job description as a Coach: “Help people to make their impossible goals possible.”

A recent client of mine was saying, “There is no way I am going to get the job I want in this foreign country that is so different from where I come from.”

I am happy to say they are now happily employed in their chosen profession after months of doubt.

I also just helped my second client prepare mentally to win the world titles in water skiing just the other week.

Do you have an impossible goal that you would love to bring to the light of day?
Are you ready for some important Tips on how to seriously increase your odds of making it a reality?

Then let’s get this party started!!

Acceptance Feeling Life Lessons Perspective

The Lessons I Learned While Trekking in Amazing Nepal

nepalHave you ever trekked in Nepal?

If not, add it to your bucket list. It is amazing.This is the sort of stuff you are likely to see (Annapurna South). You will be humbled by its majesty and lit up with its feast of beauty. It also doubles as a great backdrop for a yoga class. ;-)Our trekking adventure consisted of a group of 8. Ranging in age from 37 to 66, and hailing from New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia and Luxembourg. A mixed bag of individuals that became the perfect fit for an adventure internally and externally.

It was an amazing experience and adventure and this is what I learned and would like to share with you…

Acceptance Growth Joy Perspective

3+ Practical Ways to Make Your Life More Easeful And Less Complicated

runningI love life.
I also love a challenge.
But I also don’t like making life unnecessarily hard for myself. I want to enjoy life.

So here are 3+ simple tips to make your like more easeful and less stressful / difficult / complicated.


Feeling Joy Life Purpose Perspective

How Darwin’s Little Mishap Makes Joy More Elusive (And What The Antidote Is)

joyHands up high if you have heard the statement ‘survival of the fittest’ attributed to Charles Darwin (many moons ago)?

Do you believe it?
Do you believe that the person standing solo at the top of the heap is the one that is going to survive for the longest?

Unfortunately for the health and happiness of the planet, somewhere along the line, societies as a whole have bought into the myth that the fittest, strongest, most powerful, will not only survive, but will win the race. The myth has perpetuated a collective sense (for many) that the attainment of personal glory is more important than the success of the tribe, team, family, group, company, country, etc. It has even lead many people to make unethical decisions to get to the elusive ‘top’. To lie, to cheat, to turn a blind eye, to manipulate, to compromise their values, and to neglect the impact of their actions on others.

Maybe this works for surviving (for a while); but if you would prefer to THRIVE and experience JOY, the ‘survival of the fittest game’ is a lonely one and will often mean that joy remains elusive.
consciousness Perspective

Stress, Tunnel Vision, Separateness, Quantum Physics and Flying Helicopters

heliIf you can guess what the link is between all of the things in the title you get a special big congratulations by me. Well done! And if you don’t quite get the link, and think I am smoking the good stuff, then read on as I unpack my thinking for you. 😉

I actually had a colleague of mine ask if I could write an article on this phenomenon that he has learned over the last few months and which he brings into practice now with considerable positive effects. So what you will be reminded of, is very practical and impactful.

As a result of the Dr Joe Dispenza workshop I did recently, I also have a greater perspective on the ‘stress thing’ from a physiological and quantum physics perspective. Though I am still trying to get my head fully around the inter-dimensional time-space part of the conversation. 😉

Now let’s get started…


Growth Perspective Problem

Dealing with Problems & 3 Important Things You Need to Know

puzzleI was totally stumped today when I was trying to think about what subject might best serve you today. I was trying to think of something that is useful, insightful and practical.

And I figured let’s talk about the very broad and general subject of ‘How to Deal with Problems’. I guessed it would definitely be relevant to us all probably right at this very moment.

So…can you think of a problem that you have in your life now?
hey! Don’t get lost in it.

Just raise your hand so I know you are not an alien. 😉

Choice Life Purpose Perspective Success

6 Great Tips for Making Even Better Decisions and Avoiding Disastrous Consequences

 decisionI spent about 45 mins the other day in a session with one of my clients helping them with improving their decision making abilities. It is definitely a teachable skill.

It is pretty obvious to me – and I suspect you will agree – that the choices we make, based on our decision-making process (or lack of one ;-)) have an enormous impact on the quality of our lives. It impacts the amount of joy we experience, and the amount of unproductive or negative stress in our daily lives.

Let’s get started (and these are not necessarily in priority order).

Belief Perspective

3 Very Useful Tips to Help You Move with More Ease and Grace Through Life

perspective black whiteI have had a fabulous couple of weeks, working with some amazing clients, and learning some incredible lessons as I put myself front and centre back into a business environment that includes more people that just me.

The Practice (yoga centre) has 15 staff, so again I get to experience the joys and sometimes challenges of there being 15 different human beings with different needs, beliefs, histories, values (though these are pretty well aligned through conscious selection), family situations, money situations, fears, worries, etc. etc. So I have much to learn, and therefore share with you.

So today I am going to share a handful of lessons that have been very relevant for the clients and staff I have worked with over the last couple of weeks.

Let the learning (and reminders) begin… 😉

Choice consciousness Perspective

3 Practical Strategies to Help Bring More Balance Into Your Life

balanceThis is definitely a question I am asked often and inevitably something I end up working on with all of my clients.

Because everyone, at times, feels this deeply unsettling feeling of ‘being out of balance’. Because we know at some level that it is possible to feel centered, grounded, and harmonious more often. And from a physical perspective, the body and brain, love to be in homeostasis. Which is about balance, calmness and efficient use of energy.

So how do we create that feeling of balance as the default, rather have it show up as an occasional visitor?

Let me tell you what I use and recommend…