Belief Choice consciousness Growth Success

If You Don’t Do This Your Future Will Look Very Similar to Your Past

futureAs I said I have been on the personal growth journey since Easter 1999. That is when I woke up (and no it was not when I joined a cult and got forgiven for my sins if I did X, Y, and Z … and gave them $10,000 to show my level of commitment ;-)).

Though I did have the right teacher for me, saying the right things, in the right way, at the right time for me to wake up.

I used to tell myself that I was ‘unlucky’. I would always be the one caught with their hand in the cookie jar, or throwing that rock at something I shouldn’t, or saying the wrong thing to someone and making them cry.

I was BLAMING circumstances and people OUTSIDE of myself for the problems I had in my life.

Growth Problem Success

The 3 Reasons Why Discomfort Is Not Only Good For You But Necessary For An Abundant Life

opportunityI had a powerful Coaching session with a client on Monday night and it made it even clearer to me about the relationship between DISCOMFORT and SUCCESS. It also plays a huge part in this thing called EVOLUTION.

It turns out the path to abundant success, deeper relationships, stronger bodies and minds, resilience, more wealth, higher levels of consciousness, and any other juicy stuff you desire requires your path to GO THROUGH (I did not say around ;-)) this thing called discomfort.

Now before I go further I want to clear up a key distinction. There is a difference between pain and discomfort. To explain, let’s step into the yoga studio. When we are sitting down with our legs in front of us and stretching forward to touch our toes (or in their vicinity ;-)); the more me stretch, the greater the discomfort. BUT if we go too far, the discomfort may turn into a sharp or stabbing pain, or grating, or a tearing sensation. That is pain. And when we feel pain, we need to ease back a bit. We don’t stop. We just come back from pain. We want to push our boundaries and get edgy, but we don’t want to tumble over the edge into injury or damage or the abyss.

Acceptance Fear Growth

How to Take Adversity from A Pain in The @%# to a New Level of SUCCESS

lifeLast Saturday I was off to see one of my favourite movie characters and actors come to life again on the big screen as Jason Bourne. I was super excited. And then I got the call.

Rob is one of the Founders of The Practice yoga centre in Bali, that I am now a co-founder of, and he informed me that by chance he discovered that the neighbour planned to start building a 15m high, 2-storey accommodation block about 1m from our boundary, which will eventually block 50% of the view from one of our yoga studios. And he planned to start building immediately.

The landowner has a rather large block of land. He has no need to build 1m from our fence, and he was openly amused at the idea that his building, when finished would block out 50% of our view from one of our studios. Long story short. Not a nice or reasonable person and definitely not interested in us ‘working together’ so everyone benefits – like us guaranteeing him 100% occupancy rate for at least 4-6 months of the year as our preferred accommodation provider. 

Growth Perspective Problem

Dealing with Problems & 3 Important Things You Need to Know

puzzleI was totally stumped today when I was trying to think about what subject might best serve you today. I was trying to think of something that is useful, insightful and practical.

And I figured let’s talk about the very broad and general subject of ‘How to Deal with Problems’. I guessed it would definitely be relevant to us all probably right at this very moment.

So…can you think of a problem that you have in your life now?
hey! Don’t get lost in it.

Just raise your hand so I know you are not an alien. 😉

Choice Growth Success

Learn How To Optimize Your Willpower (so Your Behaviour Matches Your Desires)

happy brainNow when I talk about ‘desires’ I am talking about the ones you have thought about and have purposefully planted, as opposed to the desires that talk to that animal part of your brain and pull you in numerous different directions, plus they often come with literal or metaphorical hang-overs. 😉

So…are you ready to learn even more about the brain? Your brain. That incredibly powerful tool at your disposal that often stands between mediocrity and joyful success and happiness.

It turns out that willpower trumps IQ when it comes to success. When researchers measured the willpower of children, and their IQ, they found that willpower was a bigger determinate of whether a child would be successful, as opposed to IQ. No surprises really. I like the saying that successful people do the things that unsuccessful people refuse to do, not because they want to do them, but because they know it needs to be done. The tool they use is WILLPOWER. Like my favourite Michael Beckwith quote: “What does not feeling like it have to do with it?”

This might just be my favourite subject…

Choice Growth Life Lessons

How to Overcome Our Biggest Life Challenges & Ridiculously Bad Decisions

jump blackI am still trying to deal with a problem in my life as the result of a very bad decision I made at the end of 2007. I decided to invest a good chunk of my nest egg into a business I knew nothing about, with people who I had a strong gut feeling did not share my personal values (plus I hardly knew them), and with other people that later turned out to be liars, thieves and bullies (who I definitely did not know).

Does the word ‘stupid’ come to mind for you as well? 😉

Hands up if you have made unconscious / poor / rushed / bad / thoughtless / etc. decisions in the past that end up dragging behind you for months, years or decades? I expect that there are a lot of hands up in the air. We are in this together!

The first thing is unfortunately this is how we best learn. By making mistakes. By getting things wrong. By getting feedback that the decision we made was a ‘bad’ one. Even when I am in the middle of a complete mess, I have a little part of me that reminds me that everything in life is an opportunity to LEARN and GROW. This does not make it easier, but it does give the experience more meaning.

Gratitude Growth Life Purpose Yoga

How to Live a Life of Purpose Off the (Yoga) Mat

yogaOne of core philosophies of ‘The Practice’ yoga centre, which we have instigated from the day the architect put pen to paper, is this idea that we need to take the principles that we teach on the mat in the classes of the yoga studio, into everything we do.

Principles like:

  • Create a solid foundation
  • Look inwards to see what is really going on
  • Be Non attached to the posture (and not worrying how you look)
  • Be content with where you are at
  • You have to do the work
  • Discomfort is part of the growth process
  • Breathe into where is tight (to bring energy and awareness to what is really going on)
Choice Growth Money Success

3 Ways to Have More Fun, Joy & Success in 2016

happy peopleHappy New Year!
Now I figure most of us are still in holiday mode, so don’t want too long a newsletter. But we do want to put some (intelligent) thought into the master plan for 2016, so I will keep this short, sweet and RELEVANT. 😉

So get ready for the BIG 3!!!!

New Year Tip 1: Use some eye drops if you need to

After the new year, I thought a few of you might need some eye drops to allow you to see with crystal clarity. Tip 1 is about clarity, but it is from 2 different directions.

Gratitude Growth Rest Time

5 BIG Tips to Close Out Another Amazing Year

new yearDecember? Really?
Who teleported me to the end of 2015? Come on. Who did it? Fess up!

You have got to agree (or not ;-)). This year has flown. Well for me anyway. I have traveled to a bunch of different countries, met some amazing people, worked with some incredible game changers, had some amazingly painful lows (bags not repeating Jul / Aug 2015), and interspersed with incredible highs and growth. Probably not too dissimilar to yourself. Actually I have spoken to numerous people who had a very tough July / August this year – so if that includes you; know you were in great company. 😉

Belief Choice Growth Perspective

My 3-Step Secret Strategy for Solving All Problems

brain black whiteOk. I get it. That is a big call. ‘All’ problems. But give it a go. You might surprise yourself. And if it is not working out for you (here comes my big call), send me an email and see how I can help with this ‘unsolvable’ dilemma. I am breathing deeply now and wondering if I need to delete that line. 😉

Fortunately I own this belief that says I can positively impact anything I put my mind power to. And want to know what the real big secret is?

You can too!

This I know.