Choice Confidence Goal Setting Tips Growth Success

One Important Key to an Extraordinary Life: Creating an ‘Impossible’ Goal

goalDoes this sound counter-intuitive to you?
Does setting an impossible goal actually lead to failure and misery and unhappiness?I going to suggest just the opposite.
Your impossible goal will create a life that is not only truly worth living, but is rich in excitement, brings out the best in you, raises your self esteem and makes your life one that is truly worth living.And here is the other BIG SECRET…

Your impossible goal is only labelled as impossible (by you) because you have never breathed life into it. In fact it is much closer to you then you could ever imagine.

The main reasons being that the obstacles between this goal and where you are now are mostly constructs of your mind. So it is time for you to bend your reality like Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie Inception.

Belief Choice consciousness Doubt Self Esteem

3 Common Things That Hold You Back From Being More Awesome, Powerful, Happy and Successful

hold backToday I will share with you the most common things I have observed over the last couple of weeks (and numerous years) that hold people back from having a more fulfilling, meaningful, abundant, and joyous life. 

These are basics. Simple. Common. But they have an uncanny ability to take you off on a meandering path in the opposite direction of your amazingly talented, capable and incredible self. It does not matter whether all three apply to you or just one. The sooner you get on top of these, the better off you and everyone else will be.

Choice Doubt Life Purpose Perspective Success

5 Common Obstacles to Finding and Living Your Life Purpose

obstacleThese days I spend a lot of time working with people to help them figure out what they ought to be doing with their precious life and time, in a way that fulfills them and adds a healthy dose of meaningfulness (to help them jump out of bed in the morning).

Today I will share with you what I have seen to be the biggest obstacles for people who are a bit lost in the jungle of life. Plus some ideas to overcome them. Given I used to be an engineer in the army once upon a time, there is nothing I like more than dealing with obstacles. Going around them, over them, under them, or for even more fun, blowing them up!!

Choice Growth Life Purpose Perspective Problem

5 Ways to Make The Impossible Possible

impossibleThis is pretty much my job description as a Coach: “Help people to make their impossible goals possible.”

A recent client of mine was saying, “There is no way I am going to get the job I want in this foreign country that is so different from where I come from.”

I am happy to say they are now happily employed in their chosen profession after months of doubt.

I also just helped my second client prepare mentally to win the world titles in water skiing just the other week.

Do you have an impossible goal that you would love to bring to the light of day?
Are you ready for some important Tips on how to seriously increase your odds of making it a reality?

Then let’s get this party started!!

Choice Confidence Growth

5 Effective Ways to Increase Your Willpower (Minimise Distraction. Maximise Results)

willpowerWould you like to have more willpower?!?!

If so, please keep reading…It is willpower that allows us to overcome the inevitable obstacles (real or perceived) as we move forward towards the things we want or desire in life. Willpower also is the key ingredient in holding us back from doing the stupid stuff that does not serve us, or causes us pain, or takes us off the path.The willpower to say ‘no’ (and follow through on it) is one of the most powerful things we can master.

So how do we build up our willpower to allow us to move towards what serves us, and hold back from that which does not?

You are about to find out…

Acceptance Choice Feeling Forgiveness

Stupid Decisions. Busted Ankles. And 5 Priceless Lessons!

bustedBack in 1994 I made a stupid decision. I allowed my (so called) friends to talk me into doing a back somersault off the bar at the Middle Head Junior Officers Ball in Sydney; which happened to be one of the Top 10 social events in Sydney at the time.

The result…I almost fractured both of my heels, was in awheel chair for a couple of days and then crutches for weeks, and uncomfortable walking for months. PLUS I missed out on the girl (at the Ball)!!

At thatpoint I decided to hang my hat up on the more complicated gymnastics flips. Hand stands were ok, but the other acrobatics were to be placed in mothballs.

So here is the question. Why then, 23 years later, do I decide that NOW would be a great time to bust out some round-off back somersaults in my mates back yard?

Why? Why? Why? Why?
What was the reason for such a grandly stupid decision!?!

Choice Confidence Emotional Growth

5 Ways to Increase Your Confidence (and Accelerate Your Success Momentum)

powerConfidence is fast becoming the topic that most of my private clients, and people attending my workshops are most interested in.

How do I increase my confidence…in business, in relationships, in public speaking, in doing what I want to do with my life?

How can I be confident that things will work out in life?
Great question!!

I have a hypothesis (or few) on why I think people’s confidence might be an issue. Perhaps it is because of the following:

Choice Emotional Negative Emotions Physical Activity

3 Effective & Simple Ways to Change Your Emotional State

emotionsI actually tell my clients that when you are in a low emotional state (fearful, anxious, nervous, stuck, angry, etc.) you are most likely operating from the mid part of the brain, sometimes referred to as the mammalian brain, and therefore have the brain power of a dog.

Hands up if you are at your most effective, innovative and creative when you are in a funky (negative) emotional state? Same thing before. Repetition is the mother of learning after all.

I am tipping that your hand is not up. 🙂

So…this means that to be most effective in life, to make the best decisions and therefore get the best results, we want to be in ‘elevated’ emotional states and accessing the cortex part of the brain. Ideally, for the most creative ideas and work, we might even want to go beyond that and get into a more alpha brainwave state. However, first we need to get out of the reactive emotional part of our brain.

Therefore let’s look at the best ways to shift your emotional state from funk, to FRIGGIN AWESOME!!! (or at least feeling a lot more chipper)


Choice Feeling Negative Emotions Stress

These Words Might Be Harming You More Than You Realise

They are pretty damn powerful.They start wars. They end wars. They create connection. They create separation. They cause joy. They cause pain. They make you laugh. They make you cry.Powerful stuff.
So let’s talk words and phases that I encourage you to be more mindful of, and to refrain from having them leave the confines of your mouth, and the corridors of your inner mind.The words I want you to be mindful can be very impacting on your happiness and joy, so pay close attention. 😉

Choice Emotional Feeling Growth

Why Wait? What Is It Costing You?

waitI think you know where this is likely to go.

Over the last week I was stewing and stomping and grumbling and growling and building things up in my mind to be a lot bigger than in reality they were. I was triggered by something on a Monday related to another person and my business, then stewed about it all week. It put me in a less than optimum mood when I had a couple of conversations through the week, that related to this unresolved thing.

I was telling myself, that I would take care of it when we had a formal meeting in several days time. Though in the meantime I was allowing my frustration (and STORIES & MEANING I was giving the situation) to take on a life of its own. It was making me less than my joyful, pleasurable self. 🙂