
This Mistake Leads To Even More ‘Uncertainty’

Firstly, I am a fan of “mistakes” being part of the learning process. 

I am also a fan of learning by our mistakes, so we can grow into more awesome human beings. 

But when it comes to “mistakes” there are some that are more impactful than others. 

And the “mistake” I want to talk about today, is one that if you do it, it is definitely going to make your life a bunch harder, and perhaps even a bit more miserable.

None of us really need more of that, do we? 

I certainly don’t.  


How Not To Be A 1-Dimensional (I.E. Somewhat Ineffective) Decision-Maker

If you have followed my work for awhile, you know I am HUGE on nailing this decision-making thing. 

And the reason is simple. 

Decisions – good or totally crap – shape our entire life experience and outcomes

If you make poor lifestyle decisions, poor food choices, poor friendship choices, poor habit choices, poor scheduling choices, poor reactional choices, then that stuff is going to have a SIGNIFICANT impact on your happiness, health, wealth and vitality. 

Decisions matter. 

They shape our Destiny

So…wouldn’t it be a REALLY GOOD idea to get much better at it??? 

To be a 3-Dimensional (3D) Decision-Maker, as opposed to a 1-dimensional (1D) decision-maker. 

Or even a 3D decision-maker, versus a 2D decision-maker. 

Let me show you how to be a 3D Decision-Maker, so you make better decisions, and have a greater life and a more inspired Destiny.


Learning And Growth Through Exploring Parental Relationships

We started the year pretty easy with some simple tips on the DO’s and DON’Ts

So are you now ready to go deeper? 

Of course that is rhetoric, because I know that you are. 

Otherwise you would have left me and my musings long ago. 

Today’s article is inspired by a recent coaching client (45-years of age) and a deeper conversation about their parents, including their influence on their behaviours, even decades after ‘leaving the nest‘.

As a caveat, I acknowledge that some people have had some truly distressing, harmful and abusive experiences with their parents and upbringing, and if that is the case, then tread lightly through this discussion, plus I encourage you to seek professional support to process the deeper stuff. 

My approach to this topic, and life in general, begins with a core belief that “life is for me and not against me” and that “everything (regardless of how discomfortable, unfair, or awful it was or is) is a potential opportunity to learn something new and to grow from that insight”.

With that lens of perception in place, let’s see where this takes us.  

However, I know you are committed to doing the things that make your life more joyful, easeful, and less hard, so I know you are on board.

Here goes.  


3 Highly Influencial Things To “Stop” Doing In 2025

Last week I shared 3 simple things I encouraged you to do, or to take action on in 2025. 

Today, I am going to suggest three (3) “simple” things that you could STOP doing this year (and week), which would make a significant course correction in your general feeling of well-being. 

I have tried to find three of the most impactful things, but also 3 things that are actually not that hard to do

They certainly won’t cost you much, except a little extra attention and consciousness. 

They are also quite easy to do, but that unfortunately means they are also EASY NOT TO DO. 


However, I know you are committed to doing the things that make your life more joyful, easeful, and less hard, so I know you are on board.

Here goes.  


3 Happiness Tips To Warm Us Up For 2025

Want to know a secret? 

These 3 tips are also about me warming up my writing skills for 2025. 

I thought I would start the year with a gentle ease into it, and then we will pick it up from there – and go a little deeper in the coming weeks and months. 

So for now, let’s see what 3 things I have to offer for the first Newsletter of 2025. 

Here we go…


Small Communication Tip, Big Impact (High Roi)

I am guessing you have plenty of things happening at the moment, as we approach the end of the year, so I will endeavour to keep this tip short (like me). 

Noting that good things, when small, can be twice as good. 

Today’s tip was inspired by real-time and real-world events. 

My older brother is holidaying in Bali for a couple of weeks, and on Day 2 we had a minor ‘tiff’. 

And I figured it would be useful to share with you the “root cause“, and how to avoid something similar during a socially-rich festive season. 


3 Tips To Make Xmas Conversations And Connections More ‘Light’ 

As we approach the tail-end of 2024, I was wracking my brain trying to think of the best ways I could serve you in the weeks ahead. 

Last week we talked about Plans Vs New Years Resolutions

This week I am going to talk about how to have great conversations this Xmas, and not fisticuffs, or a need to start 2025 with a list of apologies. 

During 2024, I was working with a number of clients who own their own business, or are around the CEO level, so I have had plenty of great opportunities to not only observe, but talk about what makes great and positively impactful communication

The reality is this: In business and in life – poor communication is a HUGE energy-drainer, time-waster, and is anti-optimization.

In business it reduces profits. 

In our personal lives it costs harmony points. 

No one wants that. 

Especially when it is ‘holiday season’. 

We want holidays to equal relaxation, lightness and a whole load of harmony.

So here are 3 simple Tips to help you communicate better.    


Screw New Years Resolutions, Instead Create New Year “Plans” 

I am a fan of owning the results in my life. 

I much prefer to ‘win’. 

I am also not a fan of ‘winging’ the stuff that really matters. 

Which means today we are going to have a sticky beak (peak) at how to start the New Year with a bunch more certainty, when it comes to creating your ideal experiences in 2025. 

We are now officially at the tail-end of 2024. 

It is almost time to tie a bow around it, say bye-bye, and have a look at what’s next. 

Now, is also a great time – at the front end of December – to get more intentional about 2025. 

Especially with the most important business in your life. 

The business of you doing you, with this playing field called ‘life’. 

And we don’t really want to do show up like an amateur

However, let me put a cavity here. Of course you can show up however you want. What I am suggesting is if you want to have more sh#t work out for you (more wins), then my suggestions, may be of great benefit. 

So let’s dive right in. 


A Physical And Philosophical Conversation About “Calcification”

 I have wanted to have a conversation about a topic I am calling ‘calcification‘ for a while now. 

Mainly as it relates to our minds.

But then I saw some breaking news in the USA about a form of calcification that has been pretty well known in health circles, but is very unknown by the general public. 

And it also directly impacts the mind (via the brain). 

In fact this chemical, knowingly added to most municipal water supplies, is actually shown to lower IQ (among other things). 

And just recently a case was won against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA, where a judge in the Northern District of California ruled in favour of the following: “The scientific literature in the record provides a high level of certainty that a hazard is present; fluoride is associated with reduced IQ.

Most people don’t know that fluoride was originally chemical waste, but then it got repackaged, repurposed and marketed as a thing to protect against cavities, due to it’s ability to calcify things.  


Helicopters, Hamsters And Playing To Win

While I was in Australia (Mildura) last week, I did a presentation (and a number of coaching sessions) where I asked people to raise their hands if they liked to lose

You know what? 

Funnily enough, no one raised their hands.

Though one person did suggest that it depends on the context. 

Well noted.  

But for this conversation, let’s assume that the vast majority of people don’t like to lose at things that they care about (they would prefer to WIN). 

And one of the most important games – from my perspective – is this thing called “The Game of Life“. 

I personally have somewhat of an aversion to losing. 

I prefer to WIN at the things that are most important to me. 

Like great relationships, optimum health, meaningful work, or having a LOT more elevated emotional experiences (joy, awe, excitement, enthusiasm, love, etc.) than survival emotions (anger, frustration, fear, doubt, etc.).

I much prefer when things go in my favour. 

And do you know what makes a lot of difference in the outcome?

Whether I am “WINGING IT” (and hoping it all works out in my favour) or whether I OWN IT and roll my sleeves up to do the (right) work.  

If we expect things to work in our favour – like high vitality and health – but we just wing it, the chances of winning are greatly reduced. 

The odds might be a 50 / 50 or even worse. 

Hence why we are going to briefly talk about hamsters and helicopters today.