Choice Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Problem Stress

Best Steps to Overcoming Obstacles

Today we are going to talk about how you can overcome any obstacles in your life, in the best way (i.e. best result with the least energy).

I LOVE overcoming obstacles.

And probably why I was in the Royal Australian Engineers, as an officer for 14 years. We were taught a lot about how to overcome obstacles on the battlefield. It definitely involved some exploding stuff, but it also came done to our CREATIVITY. Why expend more effort and resources than you need to (or have at your disposal).

So that’s our focus today.

How can you effectively overcome obstacles with the least amount of effort?

This is the NUMBER 1 thing I do when coaching. Help people overcome obstacles, so they reach the destination of their choosing – in the best mental and physical health.

There is no point in being so battered and bruised from getting through an obstacle, that you don’t have the energy to go on.

We are about smarter, not harder.

Acceptance Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Negative Emotions Problem Relationship

How to Turn Negative Events (& People) into a Positive


Lately I have been going even deeper into the practical work of Dr Joe Dispenza (teacher, neuroscientist, author and he who is challenging what is ‘normal’).

I am watching testimonials, listening to Q&A sessions, doing more meditations, and re-reading his books (e.g. Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself).

One of his testimonials is of a woman healing herself from the multiple sclerosis (MS). Pretty epic. Plus a guy got feeling back into his fingers after 48 years. The list goes on, and on…(there are over 600 testimonials).

One of Dr Joe’s quotes is:

“The past without the emotion is (potential) wisdom.”

I added the ‘potential’ word as I feel that having wisdom is different from the right application of wisdom. It takes consciousness to make potential wisdom into REAL WORLD wisdom that leads to a positive outcome.

So with Dr Joe as our inspiration and frame of reference, I want to look at how we can change our past NEGATIVE stuff (and the emotions that come with it), into WISDOM. Plus fuel for our EVOLUTION.

Choice Decision Making Growth Problem Stress Success

A Common Way People Drain Themselves of Energy (Unnecessarily)

A lot of the articles I write are as a result of direct observation or intervention with my clients, both recently and in the past. So again, I thank one of my wonderful clients who reminded me of this energy draining phenomenon.

Not surprisingly, one of the reasons they wanted to work with me is because they felt so ‘low energy’ on a regular basis. We focused on all of the physical things that can drain us of energy (e.g. poor diet, low levels or low quality sleep, limited physical activity, excessive exposure to non-natural EMF’s, bad habits, etc.), and then started looking into the more likely psychological causes of low energy.

It was a fabulous journey back through their life to get a better sense about what might have contributed to, or be the root cause, of the experience they were having in their day-to-day life.

Choice Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Perspective Problem Success

3 Ideas to Help with Your Decision-Making Upskilling

Just recently I recorded a 3-Part Series on Decision Making Mastery on my LIFE MASTERCLASS Podcast series, which I figured would be of value and benefit for you. I also thought if you got something out of these presentations, you might then do yourself a favour and grab a copy of my book too. πŸ˜‰    

The 3-Part Series includes the following three presentations, which you can watch on YouTube (the links below will take you to the YouTube presentations):

Doubt Fear Feeling Perspective Problem

The Two Most Powerful Practices That Contribute to Calmness in a Crisis

factsI consider myself to be a pretty calm person, especially in a crisis situation or when my best thought-out plans turn to complete and utter sh#t.

And the reason for my calmness is definitely a nurture over a nature thing. In other words, my ability to stay calm, centred and grounded in a challenging situation is not a genetic trait I inherited from my parents, but a result of habits I have learned (some from my parents) and a number of daily practices I am committed to.

Essentially you can enhance your ability to remain calm, grounded, centred and unflappable by replicating these two practices.

I won’t go in-depth about the physical health practices I do (aka: exercise and nutrition), because I am going to assume you have a good enough idea about that and if not, then read The Guidebook to Optimum Health. The thing to note is our physical practices contribute to the amount of energy we have available to get stuff done plus the quality of our mental health. So my health practices are essential, but not the primary focus of this conversation.

Choice Growth Life Purpose Perspective Problem

5 Ways to Make The Impossible Possible

impossibleThis is pretty much my job description as a Coach: “Help people to make their impossible goals possible.”

A recent client of mine was saying, “There is no way I am going to get the job I want in this foreign country that is so different from where I come from.”

I am happy to say they are now happily employed in their chosen profession after months of doubt.

I also just helped my second client prepare mentally to win the world titles in water skiing just the other week.

Do you have an impossible goal that you would love to bring to the light of day?
Are you ready for some important Tips on how to seriously increase your odds of making it a reality?

Then let’s get this party started!!

Choice Growth Problem

Discover the Words that Are Subconsciously Sabotaging Your Success (& Affecting Your Emotions)

word“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
“The pen is mightier than the sword.”It seems like these two sayings are a little bit opposed to each other. The first one is a rhyme that children might say in a schoolyard to downplay the impact of unkind words said to them by any kid. Maybe they realise on some level that taking the sting out of unkind words, is essential for their future happiness.The second statement is a realisation that words can have an enormous impact that can do more damage than your typical sword wielding maniac. This is what I have come to learn and know with absolute certainty. The language we use impacts our emotions and behaviour; and therefore impacts our lives.

So here are some of the words I work with my clients on being more conscious of, in order to propel their success, and to let go of the stuff that is not swerving them.

Growth Problem Success

The 3 Reasons Why Discomfort Is Not Only Good For You But Necessary For An Abundant Life

opportunityI had a powerful Coaching session with a client on Monday night and it made it even clearer to me about the relationship between DISCOMFORT and SUCCESS. It also plays a huge part in this thing called EVOLUTION.

It turns out the path to abundant success, deeper relationships, stronger bodies and minds, resilience, more wealth, higher levels of consciousness, and any other juicy stuff you desire requires your path to GO THROUGH (I did not say around ;-)) this thing called discomfort.

Now before I go further I want to clear up a key distinction. There is a difference between pain and discomfort. To explain, let’s step into the yoga studio. When we are sitting down with our legs in front of us and stretching forward to touch our toes (or in their vicinity ;-)); the more me stretch, the greater the discomfort. BUT if we go too far, the discomfort may turn into a sharp or stabbing pain, or grating, or a tearing sensation. That is pain. And when we feel pain, we need to ease back a bit. We don’t stop. We just come back from pain. We want to push our boundaries and get edgy, but we don’t want to tumble over the edge into injury or damage or the abyss.

Growth Perspective Problem

Dealing with Problems & 3 Important Things You Need to Know

puzzleI was totally stumped today when I was trying to think about what subject might best serve you today. I was trying to think of something that is useful, insightful and practical.

And I figured let’s talk about the very broad and general subject of ‘How to Deal with Problems’. I guessed it would definitely be relevant to us all probably right at this very moment.

So…can you think of a problem that you have in your life now?
hey! Don’t get lost in it.

Just raise your hand so I know you are not an alien. πŸ˜‰