Belief Choice consciousness Emotional Feeling Honesty Nutrition Perspective Stress

Are You Actually Looking at The Root Cause?

Again…Happy New Year!!

Let’s make this the year of living even more consciously, so the steps we take, and the footprints we leave, are in harmony with life, which also brings a lightness of being to our souls.

One way I think we can do a better job of being conscious, is not getting too distracted by surface level stuff, but curiously looking deeper for the actual root causes.

Hands up if you got ‘sick’ in, or around, the Xmas period or New Year?

This article is inspired by the first two clients I spoke to this year, who told me they were crook with the mighty “flu”.

The great thing about discovering the root cause, is we can then utilize the most effective intervention to get the best possible sustainable and long-term result.

So let’s look at potential root causes in relation to us getting crook.

Acceptance Choice Emotional Feeling Negative Emotions Personality Perspective Relationship

The Relationship Tip of All Relationship Tips

As we head into the Xmas season (as I am writing this), you are bound to bump up against people that “rub you up the wrong way”.

Would I be correct in saying?

Chances are; the more people you interact with, the higher likelihood you have of bumping into those special people in life who challenge you in every interaction.

There are some people that just trigger you.

With Xmas festivities coming, there is a high likelihood you will bump into them.

Or need to spend several days in their presence!!

(Moaning sound)

They might even be people who you truly love…

…but they frustrate the living beegeezus out of you!!

Want to know a secret?

9 times out of 10, the reason they trigger you is due to what I am about to share…

So get ready to get the antidote to this triggering event.

Belief Choice consciousness Feeling Overwhelm Pain Perspective

Truly Understanding Guilt and Its Conscious Uses

First, a shout out to one of my beautiful clients for inspiring this post, as I know it will be SUPER useful.

They were dealing with guilt in the last two coaching sessions we had, so they got to understand it at a much deeper level.

And for me, awareness and understanding, precede a breakthrough to a new level of life potential.

But before we go any further…

How are you with the guilt thing?

Are you guilty of doing the ‘guilt thing’ on a semi-regular basis?

Unless you are a Saint, I am guessing ‘maybe’.

Today I want to talk about the upsides and downsides of GUILT and how best to work with it.

On (Sir) Dr David Hawkins, Map of Consciousness, the consciousness of “Guilt” is the second lowest, only above shame.

Which means the topic of guilt is definitely worth exploring.

So let’s get to it.

Choice Confidence Decision Making Optimum Health Perspective Problem Success

Why Use Only 1 Brain When You Have 3 Brains?

Yes, I said 3!

And no, I have not lost the plot or been smoking weed (as a new hobby).

All will be revealed very shortly.

And then you will get to reap the benefits.

If you have heard me talk about this before, my apologies, but I am going to hazard a guess that you could benefit from a wee reminder.

For those new to your powerful, potent and task-specific 3 brains, let’s journey on.

Remember; the better we optimize our brains, the better decisions we make, and the greater Destiny we co-create.


Acceptance Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Perspective

How is Your Practice of Non-Attachment?

If you have read any books relating to Eastern philosophies, or yoga, or Buddhism, or even the Greek and Roman stoics; you are likely to have heard of the practice of ‘non-attachment.

Plus if you have followed me for awhile, you would have heard me slip it in – more than once.


Because attachment is such a powerful force.

And because we are operating on autopilot (subconscious programs of the brain and autonomic system) well over 90% of the time, having more awareness of what we are, or are not attached to, is hugely beneficial.

And of course there is a very different outcome based on what you are attached to – i.e. sugar versus daily physical activity.

One is taking you two steps forward, and the other two steps back.

So it is not only the practice of non-attachment, but an awareness of what you might be attached to.

Is an attachment beneficial or detrimental to your physical and mental health?

That’s where we are going today.

Choice consciousness Growth Meditation Perspective

The Non-Cave Version of Developing Your ‘Spirit’

This is my 3rd post on the subject of how to make us (even) more awesome.

What I call being a NATURAL SUPERHUMAN.

I use the word natural, because I want to reiterate the fact that all we need is within us now. Even when we are butt-naked without props.

I have used the archetypes of LEADER, WARRIOR and SAGE as I believe their virtues are most relevant.

In uncertain times, or rapidly changing times – where certainty is limited – we need to BE, BECOME and SHOW UP AS a superior version of self.

A great Leader, with a Warrior’s fortitude and willpower, is a powerful combination, but it is not complete.

We also need the heart, wisdom and intuition of a Sage.

We need to be able to tap into something bigger than ourselves.

We need to be able to connect to life at a deeper level if we want a enriched experience.

And we need to enhance our ability to FEEL – internally and externally.

So let’s talk about the 3rd and final piece of this masterpiece…

…a masterpiece that is YOU fully illuminated.

And I LOVE the sound of that!!

Choice Confidence Decision Making Life Lessons Perspective Problem Stress Success

How to Get Sh#t Done and Prepare for Curve Balls

Most of my last 20+ years has been trying to figure out how I can make stuff happen (in my favour and with the least amount of energy) and how I can teach others what I have learned.

What works a little, a lot, or not at all.

Last week I talked about building up the Leader within us, and how being a greater leader is ESSENTIAL when it comes to optimizing our experience in life.

The other part of the optimizing-life-and-results-game is not only coming up with the great ideas and insights, but actually acting on them.

You, like me, probably know a lot of ‘great ideas’ people, who spend a lot of time marching on the spot and getting not much actually done.

Ideas are great, but it’s the execution of those ideas that brings them into being.


How do we make sh#t happen, when it takes effort and energy (and sometimes we just don’t feel like doing it)?

Enter left of stage our inner WARRIOR.

Or to be more precise; enter from the very core of our gut, the part of us that gets stuff done…even when we don’t feel like it.

I believe all of us have a Warrior spirit within us.

Unfortunately, sometimes the Warrior needs more prodding and poking to ‘wake it up’.

It’s like our inner Warrior is still working off the after effects of an all-nighter and 3 bottles of red.

Choice Growth Life Lessons Meditation Optimum Health Perspective Success

How to Become a Leader of Your Mind, Body and Results

Hands up if you received any leadership training in your life.

What about exceptional role models leaders who guided you through childhood.

How about the quality leaders and leadership you experienced through the educational system.

In my case, I did have leadership training, I did have some great leadership examples growing up, but I also had some WOEFULLY poor leadership role modelling through the first 25 years of my life, which I spent the next 25-years UNLEARNING!

For many clients I work with, they have had no clear leadership training, and either poor or mediocre role modelling in their life.

There is a gap in their KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE, which negatively impacts the quality of their RESULTS (in all areas of their life).

It even impacts how they experience life, on day-to-day basis.

Choice Feeling Goal Setting Tips Growth Life Lessons Negative Emotions Pain Perspective Relationship Success

5 Ways We (can) Sabotage Our Potential

Often in a workshop or presentation I ask people to put their hands up in the air.

And then I tell them to leave their hand in the air, IF they are using 100% of their potential.

I have only ever had one person leave their hand up and I am not sure they understood the directions. 😉

This means almost everyone I have ever asked the question of, knows they have more potential inside.

Fact 1: We all (very very likely) have more potential in us than we are expressing.

Is it 10 times or 100 times?

Who really knows, until we really step into it.

Take Wim Hof for example; who has been setting Guinness World Records for years (about 26).

One of them (2007) was climbing 22,000ft up Mount Everest in only shorts and shoes!!

He not only performs these ‘extreme’ practices, but he teaches other people to do them too.

He trains them to express more of their potential (physically and mentally).

So yes we all have more potential, and no we are not sure where the actual ceiling to our potential is.

But what I really want to talk about now, is how do we sabotage this expression of our higher potential?

Let’s see…

Choice Decision Making Emotional Optimum Health Problem Stress

Emotional Eating Does Not Solve The Root Cause

In order to keep these conversations with you relevant, I like to draw on real-life experiences I am exposed to (generally with my coaching clients).

This was as a result of a conversation with a client the other day.

The context is they wanted to better understand why (exactly) – when they are upset – they quaff a couple of glasses of wine, while snacking thorough a bunch of chocolate bars.

I think we might all identify this as ’emotional eating’.

You experience a negative emotional state, which leads to binge eating.

And unfortunately, the binge eating generally does not involve carrot or celery sticks and a homemade organic dip.

It is most often high calorie, low nutrient, foods.

Why? Why? Why?

And what to do?