
How is Your Body Trying to Get Your Attention?


I have been coaching, and doing therapy work, for over 14 years now and one of the ways I get to genuinely know where people are at, and how best I can serve them, is to ask them relevant questions.

And one of the best questions I ask does not even require firing up the intellect, because it is a question for their bodies.

I ask them to look inwards, and tell me how their body is speaking to them.

I ask them: “What aches and pains or areas of discomfort are you experiencing in your body now, or experience on a regular basis?

This provides a veritable gold mine of information, for both of us.

Let’s see you how you can also use this same process.

It’s all connected


I have been coaching, and doing therapy work, for over 14 years now and one of the ways I get to genuinely know where people are at, and how best I can serve them, is to ask them relevant questions.

And one of the best questions I ask does not even require firing up the intellect, because it is a question for their bodies.

I ask them to look inwards, and tell me how their body is speaking to them.

I ask them: “What aches and pains or areas of discomfort are you experiencing in your body now, or experience on a regular basis?”

This provides a veritable gold mine of information, for both of us.

Let’s see you how you can also use this same process.

It’s all connected

The first thing we need to acknowledge is that everything is connected. Not only in the universe, but on a more micro level, when it comes to ourselves. Our physical body is linked to our minds, which is linked to what is happening physically and emotionally in our lives.

I have mentioned before the medical field of psychoneuroimmunology, which recognizes that thoughts effect our neurology, biology and eventually our immune systems.

What we are actually feeling – emotionally and physically – in our bodies can provide amazing insights into what is working, or not working in our life.

In my book – The Guidebook to Optimum Health – the 6th pillar to optimum health, which I call wholeheartedness, acknowledges that what is happening in our outer lives, can have a direct impact on the physical health of our bodies.

And it is important to know that our bodies (and subconscious mind) actually have their own language. It is the language of physical sensations in the body, which are designed to capture the attention of our conscious mind to let us know: “Hey YOU. Wake up!! Something is out of whack.” (or words to that effect).

Let me share some examples

Getting feedback from the unconscious part of the body (and mind) is SO useful when trying to understand what is ‘really going on’ in someone’s life; as opposed to trying to draw it forth from someone’s intellectual perception of their life and their relationship with it, based on their belief systems and map of the world.

When I ask the question “How is your body speaking to you now?”, it allows me to dig deeper into what might be a root cause of the experience they are having. Here are some examples in action, where I will bring focus to potential non-physical causes.

(Them) I generally have pain in my lower back. (Me) Do you feel you are fully supported in life? (or) Do you have issues or worries around finances?

(Them) I have pain in my knees. (Me) How flexible are you in your life and life choices? (or) Would you consider yourself a stubborn person, and is there something you are stubbornly resisting?

(Them) I often have tension around my neck. (Me) Do you feel comfortable when you are not in control of things? (or…more bluntly) Do you have control issues?

(Them) I have some tension and discomfort around my hips. (Me) How balanced would you say your life is? (or) How in balance do you feel with life?

(Them) I have a lot of issues with my stomach. (Me) Are you good at acceptinglife as it is, or do you often fight against the reality of life?

When working with clients, I first consider what might be the physicalcontributors to body discomfort, but then I ALWAYS want to know what is happening emotionally or psychologically in someone’s life, in order to address the potential deeper root cause.

There is a definitely a difference between ‘fixing‘ and ‘healing‘. Fixing is usually more superficial and might lead to short-term relief. Healing is more holistic in nature, looks at the big picture and interrelated parts, and impacts all parts of someone’s life, over the long-term.

There are also a number of great books to help interpret messages from the body. Two of my favourites are: The Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal, and Heal Your Body by Louise Hay.

By linking a physical ailment to a potential emotional root cause, it allows you to dive in deeper and more accurately, to bring health and harmony back into your life.

I am also part-way through a book by Christiane Northrup M.D., called Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, and as a OB-Gyn specialist, practicing for almost 50 years, she has treated 1000’s of women over the years, and heard 1000’s of stories from those women, and is very clear that the messages from the body – showing up as a series of symptoms in her patients – are related to past or present issues in that persons life, which may be unresolved, unprocessed, or out of alignment with ‘self’.

Dr Northrup recognizes that medical interventions rarely ‘heal’ the body (and someone’s life), if the deeper work is not done. She gives examples like a woman leaving an abusive relationship, or leaving a job that suppresses creativity, or doing the work on childhood abuse, or overcoming cultural expectations and programming. I would encourage all women to check out her book.

Keeping it practical

I encourage you to regularly check-in and see what physical ailments you are experiencing in your body.

Then use one of the books I mentioned, to check out what a probable emotional cause might be.

You can also be your own investigator by trying to determine what the body is metaphorically trying to tell you.

For instance, we might have hand issues. Perhaps we are not ‘handling’ something well in our life (actually or perceptually). Maybe you have eye issues. What are you not seeing clearly? Maybe you can easily see things (in life) that are further into the future, but are not so good at seeing what is right in front of you.

Perhaps you have issues with the muscles around your neck and shoulders. Do you feel like you are carrying an emotional weight on your shoulders? What might it be?

Just play around with the metaphors and see what your body might be telling you.

I personally believe many major illnesses are a signal for us that significant changes are needed in our lives – physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally, relational, and even spiritually. If we go down the surgical (or chemo / radiation / medication) path, but don’t try to understand what the messages or illness are telling us at a deeper level, we are not tapping into the full intelligence, wisdom and potential of our bodies, and are unlikely to get the long-term result we desire.


How is your body speaking to you right now?

In Summary

Understand that your body doesn’t just decide to be out of homeostasis because it does not like you.

The body has the ability to heal itself (just like when you get a cut, bruise or scrape).

Don’t cover up or numb the messages from your body, before you have a chance to understand what the message might be.

Meditate before you medicate (when you feel something out of harmony in your body).

Obviously there is a place for good quality medical support and advice in this process, but also trust your deeper inner wisdom and intuition when it comes to the path you choose. And feel free to adjust things along the way, as you gain more feedback from your body. Personally, I would not use a Doctor who did not understand or acknowledge the impact of emotions, relationships and other less tangible lifestyle factors, on health outcomes.

Listen deeply to what your body is trying to tell you and then take action, on what is right for you.

And as always; have a truly wonderful day and all the very best.


PS: For a deeper conversations, check out my weekly Podcasts here.

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