Doubt Fear Feeling Perspective Problem

The Two Most Powerful Practices That Contribute to Calmness in a Crisis

factsI consider myself to be a pretty calm person, especially in a crisis situation or when my best thought-out plans turn to complete and utter sh#t.

And the reason for my calmness is definitely a nurture over a nature thing. In other words, my ability to stay calm, centred and grounded in a challenging situation is not a genetic trait I inherited from my parents, but a result of habits I have learned (some from my parents) and a number of daily practices I am committed to.

Essentially you can enhance your ability to remain calm, grounded, centred and unflappable by replicating these two practices.

I won’t go in-depth about the physical health practices I do (aka: exercise and nutrition), because I am going to assume you have a good enough idea about that and if not, then read The Guidebook to Optimum Health. The thing to note is our physical practices contribute to the amount of energy we have available to get stuff done plus the quality of our mental health. So my health practices are essential, but not the primary focus of this conversation.

Belief consciousness Fear Growth Life Lessons

My Approach to Adversity, Disruption and Change

lightI am writing this newsletter (and blog post) on 19 March 2020.
And the state of affairs near and far has changed a radical amount since my last newsletter one month ago due to the corona virus (pandemic).
So my first acknowledgment is the insanely quick rate at which major change can occur. And often with rapid change, there is a whole lot of uncertainty left in it’s wake. Where I imagine many people are right now.

Therefore in this article I thought I would just share some of my thoughts and suggestions around how we can best navigate our way through this experience and beyond.

I am actually finding it a little hard to write now, without coming across as an insensitive so-and-so. You see, I know I am going to die at some point. And I am actually ok with that. I also acknowledge we will all die at some time, and I am at peace with the thought of that as well. So with that inevitability, I am more interested in how I am living now, and how am I contributing to the well-being of the other people on this planet, plus how am I contributing to the planet and all its inhabitants as well.

So I am for LIFE and that is what I will be writing about today. How to experience more life in these times of uncertainty.

Acceptance Choice consciousness Fear Growth

Major Life Transitions: 5 Tips to Make Them Less Painful & More Easeful

Major Life TransitionsTransitioning from the known to the unknown is one of my favourite fascinations (and activities).I want to know how we can transition with more ease and grace. How we can remove some of the inevitable pain – or at least reduce it. And what are the things we can do that make transitioning something that inspires us, rather than frightens us, and causes us to pull back.

As I write this I am in the middle of a significant transition from being a Co-owner at The Practice (yoga centre), where I have been involved for the last 5 years, into setting up my own coaching and event management business in Bali. What I like to say is: “Bring on the adventure!” Because adventures happen when we step into the unknown.

The reality is, that everything in this universe is in a state of change. Some faster than others. So step one is to accept that change is a constant in life. In nature if something is not growing (changing) it is dying.

Theatrics aside. The more we can embrace change and the unknown, the easier life in general will become. Now let’s get practical.

Choice Fear Feeling Perspective Physical Activity

6 Pieces of Wisdom to Take Into 2019

wisdomBefore I step over the line and move into a new year or a new chapter, I thought I would look back over the last 49 years and see what are the 6 best things pieces of wisdom I would take with me into 2019.

This was a powerful question I asked myself:”If I could only take 6 pieces of wisdom (or strategies) with me into 2019 what would they be?”

Tough question! But I will give it a shot.
Here goes…

Acceptance Fear Growth

How to Take Adversity from A Pain in The @%# to a New Level of SUCCESS

lifeLast Saturday I was off to see one of my favourite movie characters and actors come to life again on the big screen as Jason Bourne. I was super excited. And then I got the call.

Rob is one of the Founders of The Practice yoga centre in Bali, that I am now a co-founder of, and he informed me that by chance he discovered that the neighbour planned to start building a 15m high, 2-storey accommodation block about 1m from our boundary, which will eventually block 50% of the view from one of our yoga studios. And he planned to start building immediately.

The landowner has a rather large block of land. He has no need to build 1m from our fence, and he was openly amused at the idea that his building, when finished would block out 50% of our view from one of our studios. Long story short. Not a nice or reasonable person and definitely not interested in us ‘working together’ so everyone benefits – like us guaranteeing him 100% occupancy rate for at least 4-6 months of the year as our preferred accommodation provider. 

Doubt Fear Self Esteem Success

How Saying ‘NO’ Enriches Your Life: Part 2

noIf I am a person that has done very little exercise lifting a heavy weight with my left arm, how strong do you think my left arm will be? It is likely to be weak, as you can imagine.

The same applies with the ‘no’ muscles. If you have used them very little, they will be weak. They will be awkward. They feel feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable. So know from the get-go that you get better at saying ‘no’ the more you practice it.

So start small (with the less important ones) and build up to the big ones. Every repetition counts. Practice saying ‘no’ in front of the mirror. Remember a time when you said a very firm ‘No’, and how your body language and tone were. Then replicate that. Or better yet, watch a session of Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer as he shows people how to be more ‘assertive’. It is all about body language and energy. Say ‘no’ from there.

Acceptance Doubt Fear Feeling Perspective Self Love

Being Superhuman Versus Being Human

super youNow I don’t like to throw any blame around as a general rule, but it is pretty evident that we are bombarded with ‘messages’ from advertising (LOTS of it!!!), peers, colleagues, Hollywood movies, books, magazines, friends, family, and the little voices in the back of heads that have been building up over decades.

Most of them are telling us that we are not enough. That we are not doing enough, being enough, have enough, achieved enough, etc. etc. etc.

Now I am a big fan of tapping into your full potential, as you know, but…not at the expense of the things that are most important to you.

Belief Fear Feeling

How My World Changed on Sunday 15 Mar 2015 When I Resolved A 28 Year Old Trauma

militaryThis is a story about how I carried shame and humiliation with me for 28 years, and how that not only affected me in different situations, but held me back from my potential.

It is also a story about possibility. What is possible when we process limiting beliefs that are related to past trauma. We don’t just feel different, we become different. Different feelings = different results.

Are you ready to know stuff about me that I have barely told a soul? What follows is also a lesson in Vulnerability 101.