Belief Choice Decision Making Growth Perspective

3 Simple Choices that Changed My Life

Becoming a butterfly

When I am hosting workshops or seminars, I like to share parts of my origin story, for the groups benefit. I also like to think of myself as a ‘crash test dummy’.

I try things out on myself first (like a 5-day water-only fast) and then share with someone like you, what the outcomes were – good, bad and otherwise.

Starting during Easter 1999, I decided to undertake a 30-day challenge, which came in the form of a number CD’s and was presented by Tony Robbins. As a result of that activity, I decided to make (an action) three significant life choices, which steered my life in a (completely) different direction.

This is what I learned back then, coupled with insights from the last couple of decades.

Belief Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Perspective

Beliefs, Flexibility and Increasing Happiness

Level up happiness

You may or may not know that working with beliefs is one of my favourite subjects. One of my books called – The Successful Mind – is all about our beliefs, our thinking, our ‘thoughting’ and how they influence not only our emotional state, but what results we ultimately get in life.

(If you want to listen to a free version of that audiobook, check out the Life Masterclass Podcast channel)

The hypothesis I want to put forward today is that your flexibility when it comes to your beliefs, has a significant impact on how gracefully and easefully you navigate your way through life.

Hands up if – as a small person – you believed in Santa Clause?

Do you still believe in Santa Clause?

I am guess that if you did and you are over the age of 20 (and not living with mum and dad) you might be pretty disappointed when you Xmas tree is still bereft of presents on the 26th of December.

Choice Decision Making Growth Problem Stress Success

A Common Way People Drain Themselves of Energy (Unnecessarily)

A lot of the articles I write are as a result of direct observation or intervention with my clients, both recently and in the past. So again, I thank one of my wonderful clients who reminded me of this energy draining phenomenon.

Not surprisingly, one of the reasons they wanted to work with me is because they felt so ‘low energy’ on a regular basis. We focused on all of the physical things that can drain us of energy (e.g. poor diet, low levels or low quality sleep, limited physical activity, excessive exposure to non-natural EMF’s, bad habits, etc.), and then started looking into the more likely psychological causes of low energy.

It was a fabulous journey back through their life to get a better sense about what might have contributed to, or be the root cause, of the experience they were having in their day-to-day life.

Belief Choice Decision Making Success

Discover How to Enhance Your Possibilities for 2022

Enhancing 2022

I hope that this finds you well and off to a good start in 2022. Though, having said that, I did like the advice of Lee Harris (an intuitive) who suggested easing into 2022, and not feeling a (hidden) need to start running before your feet have barely touched the ground.

Let’s breathe deeply, and then with conscious intent, ease into this new year.

I thought I could best serve you today by sharing with you a personal perspective on the possibilities for 2022 IF we align with a deeper purpose (or soul’s calling) this year.

Just click on the image below to listen to my message on my YouTube channel.

Choice Confidence Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Personality Perspective Relationship

It is Okay (and Normal) to Not Be Liked by Everyone

This feels like a relevant topic now.

And I like to write about things that are relevant or uncomfortable, even if it means a bunch of people unsubscribe to my newsletter. However, I will try and lighten this subject up as much as possible. 

I have worked with 100’s of clients over the 14+ years doing the ‘coaching’ thing. In that time a very common ‘limiting belief’ that comes up, way too often, is a belief along the general lines of:

If I am not LIKED it means I am a bad person (or not worthy of love).

Choice Decision Making Growth Perspective Success

Who Do You Need to BECOME? A Combination of Leader, Warrior & Sage

Over the last 18 months, while I have been working with my clients, I have been thinking about how best to serve them, plus how can I best serve them ‘moving forward’.

I think we can all agree (unless you are in the billionaires club), that 2020 and 2021 are among the most challenging and uncertain times and experiences that each of us have likely faced in our lives. 

I also don’t think things are going to settle down to stability, certainty, harmony and unity anytime soon. Would you agree that that is a fair enough statement? I wish for different, but I like to think of myself as a realistic optimist.

Choice Decision Making Life Lessons Self Love

It is time (in 2021) for a thing called RADICAL Self Care

If you have followed me for awhile you know I am a HUGE fan of this thing called Self Care. But here is the thing I have noticed of late, with myself, my friends and my clients.

What used to be good enough for self-care, in order to maintain a healthy sense of well-being, health, vitality and zest for life, is not really cutting the mustard these days. In plain English – the daily self care practices I have performed in the last 10 years, do not seem effective enough for my optimum vitality, health and psychological well-being, in the current environment.

My old self care drills are helping me ‘survive’ in a sense, but they don’t seem to be enough to make me thrive.

With this feedback I decided it was time for me to go back to the ‘optimized living’ drawing board.

Choice Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Perspective Problem Success

3 Ideas to Help with Your Decision-Making Upskilling

Just recently I recorded a 3-Part Series on Decision Making Mastery on my LIFE MASTERCLASS Podcast series, which I figured would be of value and benefit for you. I also thought if you got something out of these presentations, you might then do yourself a favour and grab a copy of my book too. 😉    

The 3-Part Series includes the following three presentations, which you can watch on YouTube (the links below will take you to the YouTube presentations):

Acceptance Choice Decision Making Growth Perspective

A Great Practical Strategy for Dealing with Life During Times of Uncertainty

My first point is to highlight the fact that making decisions uses energy. The brain consumes about 20% of the energy produced by the body, and doing critical thinking (like making decisions) by firing up the prefrontal cortex of the brain is one of the major energy users in the brain.

If we want more energy and vitality each and every day, we need to be extra conscious about have we use and consume our energy. Make sense?  

The second point I would like to make is that during times of uncertainty, especially where there are a lot of things happening in your environment that are beyond your control, the brain is likely to be in an elevated state of alertness (to keep you ‘safe’), which is also a major energy consumer. 

Belief Choice Decision Making Growth Perspective


Get ready, because I am going to plug my new book – Decision Making MasteryBecome a Skillful and Conscious Co-Creator in Your Destiny â€“ in the very first part of this blog post. Check it out. Okay. Done.

Now to share with you one of the elements I talk about in my book, that I think is really important for us to acknowledge, understand and practice in our own lives. And yes, you already know what it is. It is about changing your mind

My observation

At the time of writing this, I have been doing this thing called ‘coaching’ for over 13 years now. I have worked with 100’s of people from all walks of life. I have observed them make lots of great decisions, and I have observed them make some terrible decisions (myself included).

What I have come to know as a ‘fact’ is we all make bad decisions.