Choice Goal Setting Tips Life Purpose Perspective Success Time



On the back-end of 2020, I decided that when I sat down and gave my full attention to what I wanted out of this new year, I would take an even deeper approach to that question.

And as I like to teach: great answers come from great questions.

‘What do I want in 2021?’ is a pretty lame question; so it did not get any attention. And to merely ask what I wanted to do in 2021 was still not cutting the grade. It was not taking the conversation deep enough.

After a very whacky 2020 and the fallout still washing over into 2021, it was time to go a lot deeper. So I headed to my favourite bungalow in Candi Dasa (at Pondok Pisang), and while sitting on a sun bed, looking out over nothing but the ocean and the skyline, I got out my diary and worked on answering a number of questions to the best of my ability.

The Questions I would encourage you to ask and answer

Like I did, I suggest that you find the right serene environment to be able to drop into an awareness of what the deepest part of you wants to bring forth. What the essence of who you are is wanting to add to the conversation. What the voice of your heart or soul is trying to tell you. I also recommend doing this ‘device-free’. Go old school and get out the pens and paper.


To get warmed up I asked myself this relatively simple question:

What are my primary skills, gifts and traits?


Another great way to address getting to know what you have to offer, so you can best understand how to bring those attributes into creating a new experience (which benefits others and the greater good), is to ask the following questions.

What am I very good at (better than most at)?

Then follow this with…

What am I am expert at?

(This is essentially the top 3 of the list of things that you are very good at. And after answering this question I decided to expand on the things I felt like I was more expert in, so I had a clear sense of what this attribute was. An example for me was: Being self aware and conscious of what my internal landscape is – physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically and spiritually. Allowing me to see my flaws and blind-spots. Etc.)


Next I decided to move from who I think I am, to what areas I thought could do with a bit of work or an overhaul. This lead to the following questions:

What needs growing within me?
Where in me and my life needs to most growth (and work)?

One of the things that came up for me was: The ability to more fully surrender or let go and relax fully when I don’t have a ‘plan’.


At this point I decided to take things a whole lot deeper and threw myself into answering a pretty big question. The aim of this was to stretch me and take me away from too much focus on myself and what I wanted.

The question I asked was:

How can I help make the world a better place, in the most impactful way?

I answered this question to the best of my ability, and without spending hours on it. I just came up with my best for now, and acknowledged that this was something I could continue to work on as time unfolded.

I figured now I was loosened up enough for the question I most wanted to ask myself, and the answer I was most interested in knowing

The big question was:

What am I being called to BE, BECOME or DO (this year and beyond)?

When I sat in stillness and without distraction within that question, a lot of what came up for me wasn’t about creating some great monolith or movement or new product or that much in the tangible realm. A lot of what came up for me was about:

  • Being more fully PRESENT (Be here now).
  • Becoming more CONNECTED with the divinity within me and the divinity outside of me.
  • Being less attached to the construct of TIME and the practical influence of time.
  • Committing to more BEING and less DOING (in particular the thought that I need to be doing more or I am not doing enough).
  • Helping others to raise their levels and application of self-awareness and consciousness in daily living for the benefit of them, others and mother earth.

I did finish my exercise with something a bit more practical too. I imagined myself at the end the year (31 Dec 2021) and as I was looking back on the 12-months preceding, I saw all of the outcomes I had achieved over the year. A simple question you can ask yourself to undertake this final activity is to complete this sentence:

The outcomes I desire to create by 31 Dec 2021 are…

I smile as I write this. One thing that came up for me is that as soon as it is possible, I want to go back and do a hike in Nepal. For my benefit, for my soul’s benefit, and to inject some money back into an economy that has been devastated by global shenanigans. To breathe that mountain air again. To see the peaks. To walk on the top of the earth. SWEEEEEEET!!!

My Final Words

I think, regardless of agenda’s and power plays and whatever else has happened behind the curtains in 2020, it is a time to wake up the true power that resides within us all.

The power to be our own LEADERS for ourselves and our communities.
The power to be our own inner GURU and teacher (trusting our inner knowing more).
The power to be WARRIORS of LIGHT (spreading illumination, awareness, love and not fear).

I think when you BE and BECOME the light you were meant to be, and then create from that space (whether in 2021 or beyond), the outcomes are going to create a very different world and reality.

Having said that, if anyone wants a hand fulfilling your personal mission, don’t hesitate to reach out, or join me and 7 others for 6 supportive months starting on 1 Feb 2021.

Have a wonderful day and all the very best for this new year.
Much love,

PS: I think the first half of 2021 will be a challenging time for a lot of people, who would greatly benefit from the support of the right team around them. If you want support to more fully express your inner greatness, make sure you check out my 6-month group coaching program as there are still a few places left (Consolidation to Break Through).

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