I have been threatening to talk about this subject for awhile now.
It is a topic I am passionate about, very familiar with, and I see the greatest results from (for me and 100’s of clients over the years).
In ALL parts of someone’s life.
It is this thing called…
It is like the best fertilizer, ever made, which makes anything it lands on in your garden grow like it had a mind of its own.
Seriously. It is like rocket fuel.
The smooth, powerful, clean and highly responsive kind.
So I am going to talk about why I believe adding consciousness to anything in your life enhances it exponentially, and then how to increase our consciousness, plus I might have to start with explaining what it is.
What is consciousness?
I have been threatening to talk about this subject for awhile now.
It is a topic I am passionate about, very familiar with, and I see the greatest results from (for me and 100’s of clients over the years).
In ALL parts of someone’s life.
It is this thing called…
It is like the best fertilizer, ever made, which makes anything it lands on in your garden grow like it had a mind of its own.
Seriously. It is like rocket fuel.
The smooth, powerful, clean and highly responsive kind.
So I am going to talk about why I believe adding consciousness to anything in your life enhances it exponentially, and then how to increase our consciousness, plus I might have to start with explaining what it is.
What is consciousness?
‘Scientists’ definitely don’t agree on it, but that is not surprising.
Very few things in our complex universe can be explained succinctly, without the theory evolving, as we gain more knowledge and have more experiences.
Eban Alexander MD wrote a great book called ‘Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness‘, which is a great exploration into the research around consciousness, but he acknowledges there is not a scientific consensus. He experienced a near-death experience (NDE), so brings that insight into his research.
Given there is not one clearly agreed definition, let me have a shot at what it means to me.
Consciousness is not the brain. It is not necessarily the brain in action (chemically or electrically). It is not necessarily the mind, since consciousness can actually observe the mind in action, or observe it, while the mind observes something else. It is not our thoughts. It is more like a source of energy, information and intelligence from the universe that passes into and through our brain and bodies.
It is a source of illumination and intelligent information, which is experienced in the present moment, when activated.
It has a depth, calmness, wisdom, and absolute purity to it. It is not judgemental.
It has been explored and taught over the millennium by mystics, yogic masters, priests, martial arts masters, saints, zen and Buddhist masters, and called names like Life Force, Prana, Zen, Energy, Chi, The Holy Spirit, God, Higher Mind, Soul, Chitta, Cosmic Intelligence, etc.
For my discussion here, let’s go with (acknowledging it is a best guess): A force that intelligently illuminates what it is focused on, in the present moment, bringing energy and new information, without judgement, and is connected to the everything.
The key words for me are actually ‘INTELLIGENT ILLUMINATION‘.
How consciousness makes EVERYTHING better
Let’s now have a look at this thing I am calling consciousness, in a practical way, so we understand it and its role, even better.
For me, when I open myself up to the illumination of consciousness, it is like my brain and mind are being super-charged.
My senses, and interpretation of sensory inputs, are upgraded.
I SEE the whole picture.
I can access known information and even unknown information (i.e. new creative ideas, that might be new combinations of knowledge and experience or new information from the quantum field).
I am fully present in this moment.
And when I am like that…
I am more likely to see what was previously hidden. I am more likely to see the whole picture. I am more likely to be able to discern consequences of certain choices. I am more able to discern Truth (with a capital ‘T’). I am more receptive to intuitive sensing. I am more attuned to the wisdom of my heart. Etc..
Essentially, in this state I am guaranteed to make the best decisions. Which lead to the best potential outcomes.
Here are practical examples of consciousness in action:
- CURIOSITY + Consciousness = creative insight, enhanced knowing, ah-hah moments. Curiosity without consciousness is likely to lead to distraction.
- KINDNESS + Consciousness = raising the energy of another person, thing or place. Kindness without consciousness can lead to people pleasing, a need to be liked, unhelpful advice, and even resentment.
- RELATIONSHIPS + Consciousness = less reactivity, better choices, not taking things personally, seeing the bigger picture, not needing to ‘win’, etc.. Being unconscious in relationships can lead to a whole bunch of pain, misunderstandings, patch-up work, sleeping on couches (or in the dog house), or them ending unexpectedly.
- HEALTH + Consciousness = better choices for long-term health, attunement to what is good for the body and what is not, sensitivity to messages from the body, self-healing and more vitality (energy). Being unconscious leads to poor short-term lifestyle choices and declining health, illness or disease.
- WORK + Consciousness = better choices, better relationships, more creativity, being of more value to your business, more productivity, etc.. Being unconscious in a work context generally leads to more effort required for a lower output or outcome.
Some other great benefits of being able to flick the switch on consciousness, or experience elevated consciousness for longer periods of time, are:
- Non reactivity.
- Seeing the whole picture (aka: perspective).
- Better decision-making potential.
- Heightened levels of creativity.
- More attuned to a moral compass.
- Heightened self-awareness and self-regulation.
- Enhanced critical thinking, in particular the ability to see, sense or feel what is ‘self evident’.
- Ability to discern Truth and sniff-out BS.
I could go on and on. In fact I could write a whole book on the topic of consciousness. Actually in my last 3 books, there are whole chapters on the topic of consciousness, as it is essential for optimum health, authentic success and quality relationships.
The message again…Consciousness makes EVERYTHING better!
How to increase or tap into consciousness
I will keep this relatively short and very much to the point.
The best way to increase your consciousness, as validated by 1000’s of years of yogi’s, monks, saints, and masters in various martial arts; is to practice regular (daily) meditation.
That for me is number 1.
The other thing at the top of the list is specific breathing practices (breathwork). Be they older practices from the yogi’s (pranayama) or newer practices like The Wimhof Method.
In my humble opinion, the IDEAL is a practice that encapsulates both breathwork and meditation.
Other methods for increasing consciousness include:
- Spending time in nature (without distraction).
- Doing things that pull you into the present moment and out of thoughts about the past or future(e.g. cold water exposure or a major physical challenge).
- Mindfully practicing yoga, chi-gong, martial arts, Tai chi, etc..
- Putting all of your attention on a singular thing, while blocking out any distraction.
- Paying intimate attention to two or more sensory inputs (it brings you into the present moment).
In summary
It is bloody hard to describe what consciousness is (and isn’t).
My main point is not what it is, as we might all have our own interpretation and experience with it.
The main point is to say that when we bring conscious awareness to whatever it is we are doing or experience, it ILLUMINATES everything and allows for a MUCH BETTER outcome.
A wiser outcome, with much greater long-term consequences.
My encouragement for you is to integrate practices (especially meditation), which build up your levels and access to consciousness so you can be and do more AWESOME.
Have a super day and a very illuminated and conscious week.
Take care,