Goal Setting Tips

ELITE Goal Setting Tip 5: Your Willpower Is Limited

Blog-8This month’s Goal & Goal Setting Tip by Carl Massy is: Willpower is similar to a muscle, in that it builds up with practice but also gets fatigued if overused and abused.

But first a quote: “The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time” by Richard Cech.

Given this characteristic of willpower, it means that you need to be aware of the times that you have more willpower and the times that you have less. And make sure the most important decisions or meetings or engagements you make, are when your willpower is at its highest. It also means you need to get adequate rest or take adequate breaks, so that your willpower can be replenished.

Now if you would like a much deeper dive on Willpower – a subject that I believe is ESSENTIAL to understand check out Strategic Happiness at iTunes and select the FREE MP3 Podcast which description starts with “This is a MUST listen to…” Find it here!

Carl Massy is an ex-Army Major, a world-leading consultant to the Olympic Games and now NLP Life Coach. His blend of excellent strategy with the deeper workings of the mind and body, ensure that the results are at the next level!

Obviously for a deeper dive on all things to do with Goal Setting and achieving your deepest desires, check out the very strategic and scientific ELITE Goal Setter Program. Go well beyond SMART goals!

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