Growth Honesty Life Lessons Overwhelm Perspective Success

A Strategy to Reduce Stress, Overwhelm and Crazy Person Syndrome

essentialThis article follows on somewhat from my last post where I talked about increasing productivity, creativity and effectiveness, but it is inspired by a book I recently finished reading called Essentialism by Greg McKeown.

If I was to choose to describe the way that I primarily live, my guiding philosophy, I would call myself a bit of a Stoic, and having read this book, I would say I am also a bit of an essentialist. There is actually a lot of overlap between stoicism and essentialism.

The motto of an essentialist philosophy is: LESS BUT BETTER

I am not sure about you, but I am liking the sound of that!

Who would like less commitments, responsibilities, projects or tasks on their plate?
I sure as hell have my hand up for that.

Let me explain a little bit more about what essentialism is, and then share some specific strategies.

Overwhelm Perspective

3 Practical Tips for How to Deal with…OVERWHELM

overwhelmedWhen I am considering what to write, I don’t plan too far in advance. I see what common themes are coming up with my coaching clients each week. That is why it makes these Tips relevant and why I often have people saying ‘that is just what I needed to hear now’. Maybe this universe isn’t so random after all… 😉

So let’s talk overwhelm.

Here is my hypothesis:

Overwhelm is more a ‘state of mind’ or a ‘way of being’ as opposed to a ‘fixed external physical reality’.