Choice Joy Life Lessons Time

3 Life Tips That I Know Will Serve You Today

tipsHello again.

Did you know that I have been writing a newsletter and ‘Tips’ since 2005? That is a LOT of Tips and sometimes I get myself into a wee tail-spin trying to figure out the best way to serve you. I generally ask myself “What is the most relevant and impactful thing I can share with you today?” and then trust that the most useful stuff will bubble to the surface.

This is what bubbled up today…

Choice Life Lessons Relationship

A Communication Strategy for Reducing Relationship Stress

communicateJust to make sure I am talking to the right person.

Hands up if you have received any form of communication from a friend, colleague, intimate partner, or boss in the last few weeks that made you feel like you had been sucker punched in the stomach?

One of those messages, where you feel this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
It might come up as a feeling of fear, disappointment, rage, indignation, frustration, disbelief, or seething anger. Ouch!

Has that happened to you recently or in the near past?
If so, then read on. If not, then read on (as it will ;-))

Choice Growth Life Lessons

How to Overcome Our Biggest Life Challenges & Ridiculously Bad Decisions

jump blackI am still trying to deal with a problem in my life as the result of a very bad decision I made at the end of 2007. I decided to invest a good chunk of my nest egg into a business I knew nothing about, with people who I had a strong gut feeling did not share my personal values (plus I hardly knew them), and with other people that later turned out to be liars, thieves and bullies (who I definitely did not know).

Does the word ‘stupid’ come to mind for you as well? 😉

Hands up if you have made unconscious / poor / rushed / bad / thoughtless / etc. decisions in the past that end up dragging behind you for months, years or decades? I expect that there are a lot of hands up in the air. We are in this together!

The first thing is unfortunately this is how we best learn. By making mistakes. By getting things wrong. By getting feedback that the decision we made was a ‘bad’ one. Even when I am in the middle of a complete mess, I have a little part of me that reminds me that everything in life is an opportunity to LEARN and GROW. This does not make it easier, but it does give the experience more meaning.

Belief Choice Life Lessons Life Purpose

Discover 3 Common Habitual Patterns That Motivate Us, BUT Don’t Make Us Happy

split heart brainMy favourite share with you guys and girls, come as a result of what’s coming up with the clients I am working with at the time.

And as some of you know, I have this belief that the right things, come up at the right time, for the right people. So I know some of what follows will turn on some serious light bulbs in people’s minds. Well I want the lights on, but then I also want you to roll your sleeves up and do the work.

I have always been fascinated by why we do what we do.

I see people achieving great stuff, but I like to look below the surface and see if it is also making them happy. Why are they doing what they are doing? What motivates them, and does what motivates them, lead them on a path of happiness and fulfilment.

Growth Life Lessons Success

Discover What is Holding You Back From Your Next Level, and How to Shift It

 break freeWhen I first heard this ‘theory’ I was a little blown away.

The ramifications of this insight were profound for me and my clients. What I am going to do is to share this insight with you, which each of you will ‘get’ to varying degrees, and then I will share some scenario’s so you can see how it plays out in real life, in real time.

Drum roll please…Here it is…
Do you want me to get on with it already??? 😉
EFT Emotional Feeling Growth Life Lessons Negative Emotions

3 Hard Won Lessons

running heartNow you will note in the title that I did not write 3 hard experiences that left me feeling a little bit crappy and deflated and somewhat out of sorts.

Not just because that title would be too long, but because I have a strong belief – which is lesson 1 – that EVERYTHING that happens to us (or that we make happen) in life, is a LESSON and an opportunity for GROWTH and WISDOM.

Ok. Another lesson I have learned is we are all (often) a little short of time, so I will get straight into the lessons, which are less often about rocket science and more often just great reminders.