Happiness Tips Uncategorized

How to win ‘The War on the Ego’

goodbadI was recently asked a great question by a listener in the USA.

Destiny asked me: “I was going to ask if possible, can he please cover things about the ego, and how to get rid of our egos to increase happiness. Thank you smiley

So in this Strategic Happiness Podcast, I answer Destinty’s question about how you can tame this seemingly out of control thing called the ‘Ego’ in order to increase your level of happiness.

If you have a question you would like to ask, just go to and leave your question on the contact form or connect with me on Facebook.

Have an awesome day!




Happiness Tips

Discover the 8 Key Traits of Highly Successful People

guidetosuccess1The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common by Richard St John

Have you ever wondered what it was that actually lead to someone being highly successful? Do you wish you knew so you could get a bit of that success action too?

Psychologists suggest that there is a real link between happiness and success as well.

So in this weeks podcast I review a great book written by Richard St John called ‘The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common‘. He conducted 500 interviews over 10 years and is also himself successful, so it really is an informed read.

It is no surprise that the number 1 trait of successful people is they have PASSION!!!

The following 7 are (as shown on the diagram):

  1. WORK
  2. FOCUS
  3. PUSH
  4. IDEAS
  6. SERVE




Life Physical Activity

Why we MUST meditate in this modern age

prayerYou have probably heard before that meditation is good for you. Probably even been told it is great for you. But what I want to share with you in this podcast is why it is an absolute must in the modern age we are living in.

Stress levels are going up. People may be living longer, but are they doing so in a healthy and vibrant body? In this podcast I will be taking the gloves off and letting you know why if you want to be a peak performer in life (or even an above average performer winking) you need to tap into the power of meditation.

Let me truly motivate you into action by sharing with you the biggest WHY. You owe it to yourself to listen to this Strategic Happiness Podcast.




Happiness Tips

3 Ways to Remove Bad Habits

smokingPLUS The 30-Day Habit Switch Challenge…

If you are like the rest of us, you are bound to have a few bad habits that you would rather be without. In this Strategic Happiness Episode, I (Carl) share 3 methods of removing habits and I also suggests that different habits, at different times, in different areas of our life might actually require a different method to remove them. As with most things, one size does not fit all.

So check out what the 3 methods for removing bad habits are and see which one best works for you.

To help you kick a bad habit I have also produced a tracking sheet, which you can access by clicking on the link: The 30 Day Habit Switch Challenge.

Make sure you use it and you WILL change your life over time.






Happiness Tips

5 Guaranteed Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

rechargedA necessary step to ensuring your big goals and dreams for 2013 actually have a chance of being realised

I am recording this Strategic Happiness Podcast on 11 February 2013. We are a little into 2013 now. And it is a good time to take a quick look at how our goal setting is progressing for 2013. How are your ambitious plans for 2013 looking right now? If you are like me and probably about 97.6% of other people who set goals for 2013; you are already feeling a little overwhelmed and perhaps even a little deflated. Providing the goals you set really are the things that most inspire, excite and move you; the next thing you are going to need is the energy to do what needs to be done. Therefore this Strategic Happiness Podcast is my 5 big (guaranteed) Tips for increasing your energy levels so you can achieve those big goals you have for 2013.

All the best for 2013!!

For more goodness check out The Guidebook to Happiness available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle book




Happiness Tips Love Relationship

The Amazing 5 Love Languages by Dr Gary Chapman

Podcast 9Happiness Strategies, the Science of Happiness and the Best Love Strategy (The 5 Love Languages)


The ‘5 Love Languages‘ by Dr Gary Chapman is a Must Read Book. It is a perfect happiness strategy. How to fill your partners love tank up so effectively and easily you will seem like a love rock-star. Pushing the right buttons to keep the love flowing, and flowing and flowing. If one of your goals is to have more love in your relationship than you need to listen to this Strategic Happiness Podcast.

Make sure that you also check out my Facebook Page for every day Tips and inspiration.

You can check out a copy of the 5 Love Languages here.
