Let’s talk about motivation versus inspiration.
Which do you think is the better fuel and the most likely to get you through the inevitable obstacles?
Let me share with you what I have come to learn about these two, and why I cringe when people get caught up on ‘getting motivated’.
I would love for you to join me for my 5-week workshop called BECOMING A NATURAL SUPERHUMAN.
It is packed with great teachings, plus practical activities to help you integrate the teachings, and we dive deep into the archetypes of Leader, Warrior and Sage, which are the perfect players for uncertain, turbulent and challenging times (i.e. 2021 and beyond).
Check out the details here: https://carl-massy.mykajabi.com/BNSH
I have decided to reduce the ticket price from $297 to $4!!
I just want to serve the most people possible, so please pass the word.
We could all use a helping hand about now, and it makes a lot of sense to prepare in advance in case 2022 is more of the same.
See you on 15 Nov 2021.
Take care