Balance Breakthrough Choice Confidence Leadership Success

Let’s Talk About How to Bullet Proof Your Life


This weeks topic is inspired by a conversation with an Balinese employee working in a restaurant I recently visited. We were talking about doing stuff that we don’t to do. 

It got me to thinking about the bigger topic of how we can ‘bullet proof’ our life so that we are less dependent on external providers. This is all part of the process to self actualisation. To standing strong in our own power and have less possibility for someone to pull the rug out from under you. 

How bullet proof is your life? 
Who ‘controls’ aspects of your life, and how can you take back more control? 

Psychologists tell us it is very healthy for us mentally to have a feeling of autonomy (control) over our lives. So what ways can we take back the control and power in our lives. 

It is a worthy discussion and I hope it gives you food for thought and some ideas to work with. 

Have a super day.

Choice Decision Making Habit

What Information Sources Do I Use for My News?


So I get asked quite a bit what information sources I use to navigate my way through these challenging times, to help me make better decisions when it comes to my health and happiness.

I teach in my book – Decision Making Mastery – that if you put crap information into your decision making process, then you are likely to make a crap decision, or a decision that has less stability and certainty to it.

This means over the last 12+ months in particular, I have been searching for the right information sources to use, in order to get closer to the truth of the matter, and therefore make sound and robust decisions.

A list of some of my ‘news’ and current event sources are:

Other speakers I listen to: Robert Kennedy Jnr, Del Bigtree, Dr Zack Bush, Dr Mercola, Dr Cowan, Prof Cahill, Pam Popper, American Front Line Doctors, Robert Kiyosaki, Dr McCullough, etc. 

Again, as I say in the podcast. Listen to these I recommend, and if they resonate (i.e. they feel like they are coming from the right place, and are pro humanity) listen on, and if not drop them. 

Good luck wading your way through the information quagmire.
Take care

Balance Belief Choice Health Life Money

Guided Meditation – Thank You Body


In y humble opinion, doing the inner work is even more beneficial than doing the outer work in many cases. That is why my book ‘The Guidebook to Optimum Health‘ has as the subtitle ‘Why Exercise and Nutrition Alone are Not Enough‘. The inner work is essential. 

And meditation is one of those tools of inner work. 

This meditation is designed to create a positive and healing biochemistry inside the body by practicing gratitude and specifically directing that gratitude at different parts of the body. When you create the right internal environment the self-healing process happens more effectively and efficiently.  

I hope you enjoy it. 
Have a super day and take care.

Behaviour Breakthrough Choice Decision Making Life Love

The Importance of Radical Self-Care – Part 2


If you have not listened to Part 1 on Radical Self Care I encourage you to do so. Now, more than ever, we need to take care of our physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual parts of ourselves.

In this Podcast I get uber practical and share a practice that I have which I have turned up the dial on (more regular and more intentional) to take care of myself, and to allow me to be in the right state for the professional work I do coaching. I need to have my sh#t together to be able to work effectively with others. 😉

I recorded this at the East Coast of Bali in a place called Candi Dasa (pronounced ‘chandi’) spitting distance from the ocean. So there is a bit of ocean background nice as accompaniment.

Let me know if you have any questions or need a hand along the way. Just go to my website and contact me via there (as I am pretty crap at the social media thing.

Have a super day.

Balance Choice Decision Making Feelings Happiness Tips

It is Time (in 2021) for Radical Self Care


So…one size does not fit all. Never did. Never will. And that applies equally to what worked for you 18 months ago. It may very well not work for you now.

It is very clear to all of us (regardless of our specific world view beliefs) that 2020 and 2021 are radically different than life in 2019.

What this means – specifically when it comes to ‘self care’ – is what might have worked for you very well 18-months ago may not be right, or enough, or the right combination now; in order for you to maintain a high level of well-being (mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically and even spiritually).

In this podcast I share with you lots of ideas of how you could incorporate into your own life a new level of ‘radical’ self care.

This is a very common theme I am teaching my coaching clients, and also I am closely reviewing and revising in my own life.

If you need a hand in the self-care department do not hesitate to reach out to me via my website.

Enjoy the podcast and enjoy increasing your level of self care.

All the very best.

Belief Choice Decision Making Leadership

False Idols, Prophets, Super Novas & Creative Genius


This podcast is a result of the calling I believe we are being asked to step into individually, to support the collective.

I talk about where we put our attention (remembering that where our attention goes, energy flows), and how I believe we are being asked to tap into a deeper personal power.

And as always, I share my observation and interpretation, and then talk about how to enact this in a very practical way, which will definitely lead to a greater life expression, experience and fulfillment.

Do enjoy.
Also if you haven’t already, make sure you pick up a copy of ‘Decision Making Mastery’, which is now available through Amazon.

Have a super day.


Choice Energy Healing Feelings Intuition

Why You Need to Power Up Your Intuitive Intelligence and How


In this week’s podcast I talk about a subject that came to my attention while reading a book recently. It was talking about the difference between ‘Intellectual Intelligence’ and ‘INTUITIVE Intelligence’.

I share my perspectives on each, but then share my hypothesis on not only how important intuitive intelligence is for successfully navigating your way through life, but how I think it is at an all time low due to schooling, technology and lifestyle.

I also shared some of my travel stories, like the time there was this group in an alley in South America and one of them had a sawn-off shotgun. Eeeek!! PS: I survived. 😉

Enjoy the episode.

Make sure you join up to my Newsletter, and also check out my latest book: Decision Making Mastery. Available at Amazon as a Kindle or Paperback.

Have a fantastic day.
Take care


Balance Choice Success

Are you Using the Right Metric to Measure Your Success


This podcast episode is inspired by a client I was having a coaching session with yesterday. She is an elite athlete, and Olympic Gold medalist and we were talking about a new project of hers, which she is super excited about.

And in the discussion we got to talking about ‘money’ and the measure of success in her new project.

I think people understand at an ‘intellectual’ level that money is not the only or even best measure of success, but it is harder to integrate that intellectual knowing.

So I talk about what are the other measures of success, and why me might be getting called to pay more attention to them now (in 2021) and less attention to the measure of money.

It aligns with the essence of my 3rd book – The Guidebook to Authentic Success‘.

I hope you enjoy the episode and please share and like if it resonated.

Have a great day too.
Take care




Belief Choice

If We Think Something Will Be Easy We Are LESS Likely to Succeed


Today I share some research outlined by Heidi Grant Halvorson (Ph.D.) in her book ‘Succeed’ which suggested that if we think that something will be easy, we are more likely to fail at it. Find out why.

Then I relate this to a core message I have as we step into 2021 – this being my first podcast of the new year.

I want to set you up for success. So listen into my tips and strategies and set yourself up for Success.

I also mention my 6-month Coaching Program (Consolidation to Break Through). If you would like to find out more details go here.

There are only a few places still remaining.

Wishing you all the very best for the new year and if you ever need a helping hand don’t hesitate to get in touch. I love to help people figure stuff out. 😉

Take care
