Behaviour Breakthrough Choice Decision Making Life Love

The Importance of Radical Self-Care – Part 2


If you have not listened to Part 1 on Radical Self Care I encourage you to do so. Now, more than ever, we need to take care of our physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual parts of ourselves.

In this Podcast I get uber practical and share a practice that I have which I have turned up the dial on (more regular and more intentional) to take care of myself, and to allow me to be in the right state for the professional work I do coaching. I need to have my sh#t together to be able to work effectively with others. 😉

I recorded this at the East Coast of Bali in a place called Candi Dasa (pronounced ‘chandi’) spitting distance from the ocean. So there is a bit of ocean background nice as accompaniment.

Let me know if you have any questions or need a hand along the way. Just go to my website and contact me via there (as I am pretty crap at the social media thing.

Have a super day.

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