Behaviour Belief Confidence Habit Possibility Relationship Thoughts

The Power (and Necessity) of Courage to Self Actualise (and thrive in the 2020’s)


Today I talk about one of my favourite topics…COURAGE. 
The ultimate fuel source for thriving in a challenging world, plus the necessary fuel source if you want to self actualise or experience a higher level of mind or consciousness. 

This has been taught throughout the ages. The value and necessity of courage. 

I mention a previous episode about Courage Vs Confidence, which I encourage you to check out:

Also if you have not watched (or listened to) the presentation I did recently on Decision Making mastery, at The Practice yoga centre in Bali, check that out on YouTube with this link.

Enjoy the podcast and let me know if you have any questions or need any help by visiting my website and connecting with me via my contact page.

Take care

Belief Breakthrough Decision Making Life

The Benefits of Being Faced with a WTF Do I Believe Situation


In this weeks Podcast I explored the idea of what happens when a lot of our beliefs get upended, and we experience a time of great uncertainty and confusion.

I actually think there are some great benefits to come out of the experience we have been through, and are still going through, with the corona virus. It has caused us to sit back and ask some powerful and life-changing questions.

Like “WTF do I believe when it comes to X, Y, Z?”

OR “Was Charles Darwin actually right when he came up with the statement ‘Survival of the Fittest’?”

Such an opportunity exists from exploring that question. Which is where I go in this weeks podcast. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to ask any questions.

Have a great listen and a fun day.


Belief Choice Decision Making Leadership

False Idols, Prophets, Super Novas & Creative Genius


This podcast is a result of the calling I believe we are being asked to step into individually, to support the collective.

I talk about where we put our attention (remembering that where our attention goes, energy flows), and how I believe we are being asked to tap into a deeper personal power.

And as always, I share my observation and interpretation, and then talk about how to enact this in a very practical way, which will definitely lead to a greater life expression, experience and fulfillment.

Do enjoy.
Also if you haven’t already, make sure you pick up a copy of ‘Decision Making Mastery’, which is now available through Amazon.

Have a super day.


Behaviour Belief Feelings Goal Setting Tips Possibility Success

What Might Be Holding You Back From Your Next Level of Success

holding backHiya,

Today’s podcast is looking at the idea of what might be holding you back from your next level of success (the 10X version)…and the ‘Authentic Success’ version. 🙂

Quite often what has got us to the level of success we have experienced in the past, might be the very thing holding us back from going to our next level.

Let me know what comes up for you.

Also if you would like to join me for 6-months of Coaching, with a cool group of international people, I have a couple of spots left, but we start soon, so chop-chop reaching out. 😉

The details are here.

Have a super day and please share this episode to pass on the insights and wisdom.

take care




Belief Choice

If We Think Something Will Be Easy We Are LESS Likely to Succeed


Today I share some research outlined by Heidi Grant Halvorson (Ph.D.) in her book ‘Succeed’ which suggested that if we think that something will be easy, we are more likely to fail at it. Find out why.

Then I relate this to a core message I have as we step into 2021 – this being my first podcast of the new year.

I want to set you up for success. So listen into my tips and strategies and set yourself up for Success.

I also mention my 6-month Coaching Program (Consolidation to Break Through). If you would like to find out more details go here.

There are only a few places still remaining.

Wishing you all the very best for the new year and if you ever need a helping hand don’t hesitate to get in touch. I love to help people figure stuff out. 😉

Take care




Behaviour Belief Breakthrough Choice Life

The (Often Missed) Downside of Adaptability


So…adaptability is pretty awesome; when used in the appropriate situation.

However, like most behaviours and traits they don’t work in a positive way 100% of the time. There are times where a good behaviour in one situation is a VERY BAD choice in another situation.

I have found that most people are unconscious of the downside of adaptability and when they are ineffectively using it in their lives.

That is, they are creating an unfavourable life experience.

In this podcast I also talk about a very impactful realisation from a recent coaching client, when it comes to ‘feeling a void’ when it comes to relationships. You will get some great insights from that observation.

If you like the podcast, I would LOVE for you to share it with someone else, so we can together make the world a more joyful place. 😉

Also I am opening up the registration for my (2021) 6-month, group coaching program called Consolidation to Break Through. 8 awesome individuals. A mix of group work and 1-on-1 coaching sessions. The coaching can be personal, business, or a combination. Check it out.

Have a super day.
Take care




Behaviour Belief Fear Health Life Love

Love, Fear, Beauty and Dumb Arse


I hope you are having a great day.

In today’s episode I was inspired by my morning bicycle ride through the rice fields and villages of Bali.

I was paying attention to the connection, interaction and feelings I was experiencing as I saw and interacted with different Indonesian people on my ride.

I was also reflecting on bank robbers and pearly whites.

Then there were thoughts about the relationship between love and fear and the physiological experiences of both – especially as it related to the brain and mind.

So as I journeyed through the rice fields in Bali, so too do I journey through love, fear, beauty and dumb-arse in this podcast.

I also mentioned a great teacher in the form of Dr Zack Bush, so check out some of his teaching too.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments by dropping me an email.

Also I have opened up registration to work with me for 6-months in 2021 with the CONSOLIDATION TO BREAK THROUGH program. There are a maximum of 8 people in the group, so if you are interested, check it out asap. 🙂

Have a super fabulous day.
Take care




Belief Life Thoughts

A Powerful Antidote to Fear

knowledgeHi there,

I am recording this podcast at the end of April 2020, while we are still somewhere on the path of the corona virus experience. I am hopeful that we are well past the half way mark and in the home straight of getting back to life, work and reconnecting with people in a physical way.

I recorded this podcast on this topic, as I was recently with a colleague that had experienced a high level of fear around this experience, which I compared to my own experience. I have rarely felt any fear over this experience (my concerns are about what choices I get to make in the future when it comes to my health and well-being, based on what I have studied and written about over the last 20 years – a subject for later).

So in this podcast I talk about one antidote to fear that I think not only deals with fear, but builds up wisdom, and therefore an even better ability to make good choices in the future.

I also talk about things I have learned through my study and practice of hypnotherapy, so you can become more aware of what might be happening at a ‘subconscious’ level.

I hope you enjoy the podcast. If you have any comments or requests of my share them on my Facebook page, on my website or just sent me an email.

Have a super fabulous day, wherever you are on this beautiful planet of ours. All the very best and take care.




Belief Possibility Thoughts

When to Flick the Fear Button or Consciousness Button

on offHi there,

One of my favourite topics and the topic of my next book is the subject of decision making. I am a firm believer in the quality of your decisions impacting the quality of your life and your destiny.

It makes so much sense.

So in this Podcast I wanted to look at two different pathways, that have their place, in different situations.

In some cases the fear switch is highly effective, but in other situations if you don’t flick the consciousness switch, your ability to come up with the most creative, innovative and effective solutions will be sabotaged.

In the podcast I tell you how to activate the consciousness response, when dealing with more complex (and not immediate life threatening) situations or longer-term personal crisis.

I also mention in the podcast that I will be working with a small group over a 6-month period to help them navigate their way through the current global situation, so they come out more bullet proof and thriving. Send an email to if you are interested in more details.

Have a super day and take care.