Belief Possibility Success

How One Limiting Belief Can Sabotage Your Success

limitingIn this podcast I delve into the subject of Limiting Beliefs (also called stories, internal dialogue, repetitive thoughts, etc.) as it applies to my own relationship with increasing my ‘success’.

I realised recently that I had a belief about SUCCESS that was actually making me want to avoid the idea of more success, not because it is categorically bad, but because my STORY made it to.

I also wanted to let you know that I have been working on this stuff for 20 years, but I still get caught up in internal dialogues that don’t serve me. So never feel bad or ashamed for the crap that is playing around in your head – just acknowledge it and learn and grow from the experience.

Let me know if you have any questions and in the podcast I mentioned that my Process Your Limiting Beliefs online workshop includes a powerful NLP technique for repatterning and replacing limiting beliefs, with their empowered opposites.

Check that out here.

Have a super day and all the very best.





Behaviour Belief Breakthrougn Health Life Possibility Success Thoughts

The Successful Mind by Carl Massy (Audiobook)

The Successful Mind by Carl MassyCHANGE YOUR BELIEFS.

There is a hard way and a much easier way to create positive change in your life. The hard way is to ‘try’ and change everything external to you – people, institutions, places, etc. The easier way is to take your attention inwards and change your internal belief systems, so you can initiate new ways of feeling and behaving, and therefore achieve a new level of results. First you need to create a new level of mind. A Successful Mind.

In this book, you will clearly understand how your beliefs have been created, the impact they have on your results and emotional state of being, the possibilities when you change your subconscious beliefs, plus learn different strategies on how to change your most limiting beliefs. You will become intimately familiar with the beliefs that are not serving you. These disempowering beliefs (your internal software) needs to be upgraded; just like any computer that is still running Windows 95 software.

Carl Massy is the author of The Guidebook to Happiness, The Guidebook to Optimum Health, and The Guidebook to Authentic Success, plus a Coach and NLP Master Practitioner. A former major in the Australian Army and an Olympic Games anti-terrorism consultant, he is committed to helping people tap into their true potential in order to experience more health, vitality, happiness, and authentic success, in their lives.

Enjoy listening to the chapters from The Successful Mind.

All the best.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Laying The Foundation

Chapter 3: The Formation of Our Beliefs

Chapter 4: The ‘Truth’ About Our Beliefs

Chapter 5: How Beliefs Determine Our Actions

Chapter 6: Getting to Know the ‘Gatekeeper’

Chapter 7: What are the Correct Beliefs?

Chapter 8: Now We Get to the Really Good News

Chapter 9: Putting It All Together

Chapter 10: The Specifics of How to Change Your Beliefs

Chapter 11: Conclusion

The Executive Summary

The Carl Massy Story


Belief Fear Feelings

My Insane Breakthrough from A 28 year Old Limiting Belief

militaryIn this Happiness Class I will tell you about a shameful and humiliating event that happened to me 28 years ago, that has affected me in subtle ways ever since. Not only that – but what limiting belief I associated with the event that has been a thorn in my side every since.

I will also share with you how I dealt with that event (with a series of techniques) that made me feel as if the world bent itself around me. It is like a fear I have carried for years, and have had to work hard on, has just disappeared. I feel like a new me.

The event I share happened to me in the first year I was in the Army at Australian Defence Force Academy. It might come as a bit of a shock to all the guys I know from my service days to hear about the impact this event had on me, as I always maintained a brave face. Plus I believe I have been quite successful, regardless.

So if you want to hear Carl Massy as his most open and most vulnerable self, then you are going to want to hear this.

I will also be sharing with you the book I read, and the process I used to make such a life-changing shift.

The book was ‘Code to Joy’ by Dr Pratt, Dr Lambrou & Dr Mann.
Now as with every book (mine included), the real magic doesn’t come from reading a book, it comes from taking action on the information.

I hope you enjoy seeing me bare my soul.
Feel free to comment or share your thoughts here or on Facebook (

Have an awesome day
Take care




Belief Fear

Let Go of Other People’s Stories to Become Your Best Self

fearHow many times have you hesitated or stepped back from the fullest expression of yourself because you bought into someone else’s story of what is (or isn’t) possible?

I know I have. And it ‘almost’ happened recently until I shook their fears off and decided to show up as myself.

In this Happiness Class I share with you what I learned recently when I opened myself to other peoples fears. How I came out the other side. The distinctions I made and the (amazing) results I got.

If you want to be your best, you might need to listen to this.

Have a great one!





Belief Interview Money

Money Block Talk with EFT Expert Marguerita Vorobioff

MargueritaSo are you earning the amount of money that you ‘know’ you are capable of? Are you free from debt? Does conversation about money come easily and freely to you? Or when you admit it, you realise you have quite a crazy set of beliefs and blocks when it comes to money.

First thing – know you are not alone.

Most of us have a little or a lot of work to do on unpacking our beliefs around money – so we can tap into our full potential.

In this interview with Marguerita Vorobioff, she talks to us about what the biggest money blocks are from her experience. We get down and dirty about all things money and all things inside our heads on money.

This is Part 1. In Part 2 we will actually get her to show us how she helps people to overcome these blocks.

I hope you enjoy and if you have any questions head over to my Facebook Page or my website..





Belief Life

A Powerful Happiness Tool: Acceptance

acceptIn this Happiness Class you will be handed a powerful tool to help you create the life you want.

To increase your happiness, reduce your stress and increase your self love. Which, by the way, we all need a little more of. Understanding the different angles of acceptance and how to apply it in a meaningful way is exactly what we look at in this weeks Class.

This is a the class not to be missed. I also share one of the best practical tools for dealing with runaway emotions – which as you know can make your life seem like a stroll through a field of slush.

Enjoy your Class and if you have any questions, just got to my website to leave them, or jump on my Facebook Page. I love the chance to serve you.

Have a good one!

Cheers Carl

The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner

Download ‘The Tapping Solution’ 2-Page PDF Summary

Loving What Is by Byron Katie




Behaviour Belief

How to Get Better Results: The BIG You vs the Little You

superHow would you like to get even better results in your life? Let me assume right now, that you would.

Well in this Happiness Class and coaching session, we look at how we can show up in life to dramatically change the results that we get. What I like to call the BIG You Vs the Small You.

How can we show up as the BIG Me?
Well that is exactly what I share in this Happiness Class. Just how you can become the big you and significantly change the RESULTS you get.

Enjoy and if you have any questions, head over to to ask.




Belief Life

The ‘P’ Word That Has a Big Impact on Your Happiness

perspectiveThere is a very powerful (and simple) happiness strategy that I use with all of my coaching clients. It starts with the letter ‘P’ and is none other than PERSPECTIVE.

In this Coaching session I talk about different examples and scenario’s to highlight how much of a difference ‘perspective’ makes to our happiness and wellbeing.

But there is one important thing needed to get perspective. But, you are just going to have to listen to this Happiness Class to find out. 😉





Belief Happiness Tips

Are Your Attachments Affecting Your Happiness?

non attachmentOn our amazing MindBody Detox Retreat in Majorca and one of the topics we have been reviewing is the idea of ‘non-attachment’. Something that comes up particularly in Buddhism as a life practice.

It is an amazing concept and as you will find out in this podcast, it has a significant impact on your levels of happiness. So it is a practice I really want you to understand – so your happiness is not controlled by something external of yourself that you don’t control.

This is also the first podcast after The Guidebook to Optimum Health has gone live on Amazon – so check that out.

Loving my time on this MindBody Detox Retreat in Majorca (coming to Bali in 2015).






Behaviour Belief

How to Unleash More Power and Need Less Force

balanceHave you ever wondered why some people work REALLY hard and succeed much less than a person who seemingly does things effortlessly? What is the magic ingredient? What is the ‘thing’ which allows you to make quantum leaps, rather than forcing your way through life?

This is exactly what I share with you in this powerful coaching session and life lesson.

I share with you the real difference between power and force and how to tap into your full potential. I think this is a lesson we all need to know, understand and apply in our life so we can be totally fulfilled and express the greatness that resides in us all.

Enjoy and if you have any questions, just head over to my website or Facebook and ask away.


