Happiness Tips

5 Things You Must Do to Get to the Next Level

nextI don’t know about you, but I am not using 100% of my potential. I am not living life at the top level of Carl Massy. So I am speculating that maybe you too have a few levels to go to really get things shaking and moving in your life.

The other thing about going to the next level is it is hard-wired into us. We have a very real need to grow in life. To step up to the next level. Therefore if we are not growing we are also likely to feel unfulfilled.

So what are the best things you (and me) can do to take ourselves up to the next elusive level of happiness, health, vitality, success and fulfillment?

In this podcast I share with you what I believe are the 5 main things we all need to do to really tap into our inner greatness.

Here’s to your onwards and upwards journey!!





Happiness Tips

Discover the 8 Key Traits of Highly Successful People

guidetosuccess1The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common by Richard St John

Have you ever wondered what it was that actually lead to someone being highly successful? Do you wish you knew so you could get a bit of that success action too?

Psychologists suggest that there is a real link between happiness and success as well.

So in this weeks podcast I review a great book written by Richard St John called ‘The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common‘. He conducted 500 interviews over 10 years and is also himself successful, so it really is an informed read.

It is no surprise that the number 1 trait of successful people is they have PASSION!!!

The following 7 are (as shown on the diagram):

  1. WORK
  2. FOCUS
  3. PUSH
  4. IDEAS
  6. SERVE
