Behaviour Breakthrough

When Melting Down is Ok – and What To Do Next

cryThis weeks Happiness Class was inspired by a number of Coaching clients who were trying so hard to keep it together. And in my opinion, maybe too hard. So I let them know that it is totally ok to melt down on the odd occasion. This is a great way to release and let go of ‘stuff’ that you may have built up in your mind and body.

Once you release, and get rid of the old (or the past), you open yourself up to new experiences, thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Given my focus on practical tips, tools and strategies, I also talk about specific ways to get yourself back up on your feet after this meltdown. And for starters, you don’t have to do it or figure it all out yourself.

So I hope you get some great insights or tools out of this weeks Happiness Class and remember if you have any questions or comments for me, head over to my Facebook Page, or my website at: to connect or get some cool freebies.

Have an awesome day too.



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