Belief Possibility Thoughts

When to Flick the Fear Button or Consciousness Button

on offHi there,

One of my favourite topics and the topic of my next book is the subject of decision making. I am a firm believer in the quality of your decisions impacting the quality of your life and your destiny.

It makes so much sense.

So in this Podcast I wanted to look at two different pathways, that have their place, in different situations.

In some cases the fear switch is highly effective, but in other situations if you don’t flick the consciousness switch, your ability to come up with the most creative, innovative and effective solutions will be sabotaged.

In the podcast I tell you how to activate the consciousness response, when dealing with more complex (and not immediate life threatening) situations or longer-term personal crisis.

I also mention in the podcast that I will be working with a small group over a 6-month period to help them navigate their way through the current global situation, so they come out more bullet proof and thriving. Send an email to if you are interested in more details.

Have a super day and take care.



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