Balance Belief Choice Health Life Money

Guided Meditation – Thank You Body


In y humble opinion, doing the inner work is even more beneficial than doing the outer work in many cases. That is why my book ‘The Guidebook to Optimum Health‘ has as the subtitle ‘Why Exercise and Nutrition Alone are Not Enough‘. The inner work is essential. 

And meditation is one of those tools of inner work. 

This meditation is designed to create a positive and healing biochemistry inside the body by practicing gratitude and specifically directing that gratitude at different parts of the body. When you create the right internal environment the self-healing process happens more effectively and efficiently.  

I hope you enjoy it. 
Have a super day and take care.

Balance Energy Healing Health Life

Epigenetics 101 – You Have the Power


So I was talking with a new colleague the other day and they were telling me a story about how they might actually ‘have’ ADHD, on account of a friend telling them they had some of the symptoms. And what came to mind to me as I was having the conversation, was that he might benefit from hearing a little bit more about the subject of…EPIGENETICS. 

It was time to learn who was really in control of our genetic destiny. 
It was time to learn just how powerful we really are. 

Find out how you can change your genetic destiny and what the field of epigenetics has taught us about the expression of our genes. 

Let me know if you have any questions, by dropping me a email, which you can do via contact page.

Please pass this episode to a friend that you think might need to be reminded about how much control of their body they actually have. 

Take care

Balance Breakthrough Feelings Health Life Possibility

Getting Sick Can Be a Growth Opportunity


In this podcast I play with a bit of a controversial topic – the idea that getting sick (like EVERYTHING in life) can be a growth opportunity. 

I talk about my own experiences with pneumonia and pleurisy and other ailments over my 51 years and how each of them – while a bit crappy to experience at the time – have lead to personal growth, and in some cases MAJOR personal growth.

I encourage you to tune in and see what it brings up for you. 

If you have not picked up a copy of Decision Making Mastery, make sure you check out the link below. I have also completed the Audiobook version and am selling it for the same price as the paperback. Enjoy!

Have a super day.
Take care

Balance Energy Healing Feelings Health Love Meditation

Guided Meditation – Thank You Body


This Guided Meditation is a tribute to your amazing, magnificent, magical and mystical body of yours.

Too often we are judging our bodies, or being frustrated at our bodies, or being annoyed at our aches, pains and other messages our bodies are sending us.

So I thought it was time to say a big THANK YOU to our awesome bodies.

You body will be very grateful for you taking the time to listen to this meditation and share in the celebration of our amazing bodies.

Take care.

Habit Health Nutrition

My Number 1 Nutritional Health Tip


So I have always been passionate about health and well-being and in particular when it comes to optimizing our health through nutrition. My second book was ‘The Guidebook to Optimum Health’ where one of the main pillars was ‘Nutrition’ (no surprises there).

So I will share with you in this podcast the #1 thing you can do when it comes to nutrition, which will make a HUGE difference to your physical and mental health.

In the podcast I mention a couple of books. They are:

‘In Defense of Food’ by Michael Pollan
‘The Pleasure Trap’ by Lisle & Goldhamer

Also if you are ready to improve the quality of your decisions (and therefore your life), check out my latest book ‘Decision Making Mastery‘ on Amazon.

Have a fabulous day too.
Take care


Balance Health Meditation

Guided Meditation: Reconnecting with Nature


As you know, I am a fan of doing the inner work – especially in altered states of consciousness – in order to effect lasting change from the inside out.

I have watched over 2020, nature be vilified, where people are consciously and unconsciously encouraged to fear taking a deep breathe from mother nature. A fear of nature at an unconscious level is going to affect the way you show up.

So this guided meditation is about bringing back the sacred relationship we have with Mother Nature and reconnect with the idea that ‘life’ is for us. Life creates more life. It is nature that gives us life, so instead of fear we need deep gratitude and re-connection at a deeper (cellular) level.

I mention Dr Zack Bush in this podcast. Check out his video on the Virome on YouTube. Amazing.

Enjoy the Guided Meditation and let me know if you have any questions, comments or feedback.

Also please join me for the LIFE MASTERCLASS Seminar (Online) from 27-29 Nov. Also if you use the Coupon Code (BEAUTY) at the Check Out you get a super awesome 20% DISCOUNT!!

Life Masterclass

I hope to see you there.
Enjoy the meditation and afterwards feel free to go and hug a tree or walk barefoot on the ground.

Take care



Behaviour Belief Fear Health Life Love

Love, Fear, Beauty and Dumb Arse


I hope you are having a great day.

In today’s episode I was inspired by my morning bicycle ride through the rice fields and villages of Bali.

I was paying attention to the connection, interaction and feelings I was experiencing as I saw and interacted with different Indonesian people on my ride.

I was also reflecting on bank robbers and pearly whites.

Then there were thoughts about the relationship between love and fear and the physiological experiences of both – especially as it related to the brain and mind.

So as I journeyed through the rice fields in Bali, so too do I journey through love, fear, beauty and dumb-arse in this podcast.

I also mentioned a great teacher in the form of Dr Zack Bush, so check out some of his teaching too.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments by dropping me an email.

Also I have opened up registration to work with me for 6-months in 2021 with the CONSOLIDATION TO BREAK THROUGH program. There are a maximum of 8 people in the group, so if you are interested, check it out asap. 🙂

Have a super fabulous day.
Take care




Behaviour Fear Health Life Thoughts

How to Create Sustainability and Avoid Overwhelm

sustainableHi there,

In today’s episode of the Life Masterclass podcast, I talk on a couple of subjects which came up in a recent Coaching Session with one of my awesome clients.

And because the topic came up in that session, and I figured it was relevant to a lot of people, I wanted to share it with you.

We talked about the idea of sustainability when it comes to this game called ‘life’. And how life is not a sprint, but more like an ultra marathon. Given that, the strategies we use in life need to reflect the format of the race we are in. It just makes sense to see it like that, and respond accordingly.

From the conversation on sustainability I move into another very relevant topic and that is about how to avoid getting into a state of overwhelm.

I finish up with a VERY practical tool I use for myself and my clients to help them avoid overwhelm and establish a sustainable, enjoyable, and fulfilling life.

And as always if you have any questions for me, or would like to do some deeper work with me to help you through some current challenges, don’t hesitate to reach out via my contact page on my website or sending me a direct email (

Have a fabulous and fantastic day.
Take care



Balance Health Meditation Thoughts

What Really is Essential?

meditateHi there,

So I recorded this podcast on 19 March 2020, which is somewhat in the middle of the Corona Virus experience we are impacted by globally.

It is an interesting time to be recording a podcast, about well-being, and doing it in a sensitive way, but is also life affirming and supportive and from my perspective – practical.

I have looked at what are some of the positive by-products of this experience and I talk about something I have been studying and working towards before the corona virus situation. And that is getting clear about what is really ESSENTIAL.

It is often when people are in a crisis, or facing a crisis – life a health scare – that they start to get really clear about what is ESSENTIAL in their life.

This is the topic I explored briefly in this podcast.

And if anyone needs some help navigating their way through the current situation – whether that is personally or professionally – don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

You can email me at to work out how I can best support you.

All the very best, and take care.



Health Nutrition Physical Activity

How to Enhance the Healing Process within Your Body

human bodyHi there,

One of my favourite subjects in life is how to create optimum health in our bodies, so we are more vibrant, radiant, energized and as a result able to do big things in our life.

It is hard to achieve big things in life – to achieve our biggest goals or desires – if we don’t have the energy, health or vibrancy to do it.

I wrote ‘The Guidebook to Optimum Health’ to take a deep dive at what things are most effective in creating optimum health for us all. And part of that exploration was the acknowledgment that exercise and good nutrition alone are not enough.

The field of psychoneuroimmunology also acknowledges that our psychological state can have an impact on our immune system and therefore our overall health.

So this podcast is about a simple action we can take to enhance the innate healing abilities of our very intelligent bodies (which have been learning and evolving for 1000’s and 1000’s of years).

I hope you enjoy it. If you want to read a sample of ‘The Guidebook to Optimum Health’ then click on the link below.

While you are there, feel free to sign up to my newsletter so I can keep you informed of where and when I will be running my next LIFE MASTERCLASS.


