Want to know a secret?
These 3 tips are also about me warming up my writing skills for 2025.
I thought I would start the year with a gentle ease into it, and then we will pick it up from there – and go a little deeper in the coming weeks and months.
So for now, let’s see what 3 things I have to offer for the first Newsletter of 2025.
Here we go…
Happiness Tip #1: A different angle to achieving stuff this year
As we kick off 2025, and break the inertia of ‘holidays’, we start to refocus on what we might want to get done, or ACHIEVE this year, which we may not have ticked off the list last year.
I am a big fan of “knowing the outcome you desire” with as much clarity as possible.
“Starting with the end in mind“, is a very sound piece of advice from Steve Covey (author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People).
But I want to add an additional piece to this process, or provide a slightly different distinction.
The distinction is about being committed to “DOING” something, as opposed to be fixated on what you want.
You might want a healthier body, but rather than being fixated on what you want to look like (which of course is useful), consider putting more of your energy in a COMMITTMENT to DOING something – like using the stairs more often, or walking the dog twice a day (instead of once), or doing a couple of hours of yardwork each week, or any other physical ACTION you could add into your day or week.
This is about the idea of the ‘system‘ being as important, or potentially more important, than fixation on what you want.
So give some thought as to what you might want to achieve this year, and then make a commitment to DOING something on a consistent basis, to take you closer to it.
This is a slightly different angle, but worthy of your consideration.
What can you commit to (which will take you closer to a desired outcome)?
The other element which can add to the outcome, is making your commitment “Sacred”.
Imagine the ACTION as something sacred and a divine gift to yourself (and others).
This makes it even more likely that you will take action.
(And finally, have a crack at making the action as fun as possible by tapping into that creative mind of yours)
Happiness Tip #2: Be firm, fair, but also friendly
I am actually not talking about to others – I am talking about to YOUSELF.
If you are like me, you might have a habit of being overly hard on yourself for making “mistakes”.
Beating yourself up, long after it is actually useful.
Yes, if you do something wrong (and you ought to know better), it is okay to be firm with yourself, so you don’t repeat the same mistake again.
Being firm does not mean torturing yourself for days-on-end either.
Give yourself a firm berating, then step back to see what feedback you can garner from the event, and then get about your business.
The fair bit, in this context, is being fair with yourself in the knowing that EVERYONE makes mistakes.
Instead of telling yourself you are stupid; acknowledge that you did something stupid, like EVERYONE has done at some stage in their life.
You are not perfect, nor does anyone (who is sane…or worthy of being your friend) expect you to be either.
The friendly bit is about bringing a bit of humour (and reality) into your internal conversations.
So you f#cked up.
Big deal.
Is it the worst thing that could have happened in the world?
Does it matter in the context of 8 billion people on planet Earth?
Have a good old-fashioned laugh at your daftness.
Just as a good friend would to you, when you do something slightly moronic.
In essence: be kinder to yourself when you step off the path, or take a wrong turn, or have an ungraceful tumble.
And thus you will be a welcome member of the human race meander. ;
Happiness Tip #3: Do you need thicker drapes?
You know I love a bit of PRACTICAL.
So let’s kick off my first topic of the year, with just that.
Hands up if you are worth a ‘Jatz cracker’ (or pinch of salt), if you are tired?
I don’t think there are too many things – in a physical sense – that knocks us more off our game, than if we are tired.
I can pretty much deal with any crap coming my way (even if I deal with it in a very unglamorous way) IF I have had enough sleep the night before.
So here is a question for you.
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is crappers, and 10 is outstanding, how would you consistently rate your nightly sleep?
Are you getting 7-9 hours?
Are you getting uninterrupted sleep?
Do you get to sleep easily?
What do you need to do, change, invest in, in order to set up the ideal ritual and environment to ensure the best night sleep?
Make it a priority this year (and for the rest of your life).
You know I like to drink a lot of water through the day, as part of my practice for detoxifying the body.
Well I realised if I drink too much water, too late in the evening, that I need to get up and pee in the night, which definitely disrupts my sleep.
So now I drink a lot less water after 7pm (maybe just a sip or two).
What changes do you need to make to get better sleep?
We are building a modest house here in Bali at the moment, and since we live in a Balinese village, which has a lot of ceremonies (and PA systems blaring), the design of our bedroom will be as sound proofed as possible (double brick walls, cement ceiling, double glazed windows and doors, etc.).
This will significantly increase the cost for the build, but is a long-term investment in my sanity (due to good sleep), and my capacity to handle life’s curve balls.
So…practically…what things could you do this year that would make your ability to get a great night’s sleep go to the next level?
Then please DO IT (and send me “Thank You’ letters later).
I totally believe that any investment (now) will pay for itself 10 times over in your mental health and general achievements in life.
In Summary: 3 Happiness Tips
#1: Commit to an ACTION to reach your desired goals (just 1 might be all you need).
#2: Be firm, fair and friendly to yourself when you inevitably f#ck up.
#3: Sort out your sleep rituals and environment this year, and reap the rewards.
My Parting Words
Welcome to 2025 for starters.
I hope you go off to a good start, after a well-earned break.
I also hope you take 1-3 good lessons or insights from the Tips above.
Sometimes it is the simple stuff that makes all of the difference.
I am really looking forward to serving you in the months ahead, and encourage you to reach out (I read and respond to every email I get), if there are any subjects you would like me to address, or questions that may be on your mind.
I love to help out where I can, or direct you to a source that would be of most benefit to you.
I won’t babble on for too much longer, as you will be hearing from me again soon enough.
But do have a crack at acting on (at least) one of the Tips I shared above.
Have a fantasticus day and a rip-roaring week.
Take care (and see you soon).
Quotable QUOTE:
“Be firm, fair but friendly to yourself when you occasionally – but inevitably – f#ck up (like the rest of us mere mortals).” Carl Massy
(Author of 18 Ways We Make Life WAY Harder Than It Needs To Be)
PS: Have you read or listened to this book yet? 18 Ways We Make Life WAY Harder Than It Needs To Be